Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 51.1913/​1914

DOI Heft:
Nr. 201 (November, 1913)
DOI Artikel:
In the galleries
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In the Galleries

mark her work, which decidedly inclines to the
decorative. Her best pictures are the Thames
views, especially her London in February and
Moonlight. The large decorative subject, The
Sea, attracted considerable attention and favor-
able comment.
Mr. Martin Birnbaum, of the Berlin Photo-
graphic Company, promises truly interesting art
exhibitions in the coming season. Art lovers will
have the opportunity of seeing the work of Leon
Bakst, including the latest “Orientale” for Mlle.
Pavlowa. With the co-operation of Dr. Ferencz
Hoffmann, of the Academy at Keszthely, Hun-
gary, he also gathered a choice collection of etch-
ings, lithographs, woodcuts and drawings from
Austria, Hungary and Bohemia. Furthermore,
the New York Society of
American Etchers, newly
formed, will hold their first
exhibition in January.
Other highly important
events will be an exhibi¬
tion of Mohammedan art,
and a joint display of the
paintings, lithographs,
sculptures, ceramics, etc.,
of Charles Shannon and
Charles Ricketts, the cele¬
brated Englishmen whose
work will appear for the
first time side by side in
any exhibition.
The Bakst exhibition, to
be opened by Mlle. Pav¬
lowa, begins this month at
the Berlin Photographic
Company’s galleries. In
December it will be seen
at Newark, N. J., January
at the Albright Museum,
February at the St. Louis
Museum, March at the
Chicago Art Institute,
April at the Cincinnati
Museum and in May at
the Detroit Museum. The
mian exhibition will open
at the Berlin Photographic
Company’s galleries in De¬
cember, and during Janu¬
ary, February, March and
May respectively of next
year, will be on view at the

Albright Museum, St. Louis Museum, Chicago Art
Institute and the Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh.
One of our illustrations shows a wine tankard to
be reproduced in silver, 40 inches high, a replica
in bronze of the surmounting group, entitled
Bacchante and Faun, was accepted by the Na-
tional Sculpture Society for the traveling exhibi-
tion of small bronzes, and was purchased by Mr.
John H. Grundlach, of St. Louis. The sculptor is
Adolfo de’ Nesti, of Philadelphia.
Two of our illustrations represent pictures ex-
hibited at the Carnegie Institute during the past
summer. Director Beattie organized a loan exhi-
bition of forty-nine paintings before leaving for
Europe. Excellent examples of Constable,
Fechin, Diaz, Corot, Courbet, Ben Foster, Dupre,

