Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 52.1914

DOI Heft:
No. 208 (June, 1914)
DOI Artikel:
In the Galleries
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In the Galleries



There is poetry in his pictures; you
feel that he approaches nature with
veneration in his heart and a copy
of Wordsworth in his pocket. And
that is how every landscapist should
regard nature if he will wrest her in-
nermost secrets from her.
Max Bohm shows a rustic court¬
ship, entitled The Lovers; John Carl-
son has two strong scenes—Wintry
Brook and Open Meadows; Charles
H. Davis has three good canvases,
especially On the West Wind; Robert
Henri presents Bridget in the same
red robes, stroke for stroke, as
Thomas at the Pittsburgh Exhibi¬
tion, but altogether a better per-
formance. W. W. Gilchrist is well
represented with Girl Sewing, a popu-
lar subject shared by Olinsky and
One of our illustrations is a water
colour by Carlton C. Fowler, who
recently exhibited with success at
the Braus Galleries, 717 Fifth Av¬
enue. Mr. Fowler is a young New
Yorker who, like all good Americans,
went to Paris, where he studied under
Julien and Caro-Delvaille. He works
in oil and water-colour with equal
facility, and it is worthy of mention
that his father published the first art
magazine of any consequence in America, the
Aldine. The Fowler Exhibition made way for
an exhibition of sporting prints, of cock-fighting,
hunting and racing. Many of the prints, besides
being very interesting, are most rare.
The Ehrich Brothers believe in variety, and
their new Galleries have given many interesting
displays this season, culminating in an Egyptian

Art Exhibition, where the Galleries have assumed
the character of a veritable museum, and are full of
pottery, pilgrim bottles, panel paintings, and
beads, vases and scarabs. The painting reproduced
here is on cloth and the figures of Sts. Gabriel,
Michael and Raphael have been put on with wax
pigments, date about A.D. 600.
Recently was held at the Braun Galleries a very
interesting exhibition of the work of Marcel
Lejeune, in different media. This young French-
man has very original ideas in decoration, his
costume designing being quite on a par with the
work of Leon Bakst.
Mr. Henry Clews, Jr., is once more exhibiting at
Gimpel & Wildenstein’s Galleries, and it cannot
be said that his taste for the macabre in art and
his red-rag feeling toward the critics have in
any wise abated. He dedicates to them a
bronze, The Blind, and hopes that some of them
may see it.
At the Galleries of Henry Reinhardt is also a
truly American exhibition by thirty-seven artists,
