Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein [Editor]
Kunst und Handwerk: Zeitschrift für Kunstgewerbe und Kunsthandwerk seit 1851 — 81.1931

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Coleman, Laurence Vail: A challenge to handicraft
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Creative Hands
No. 735

• ßrass Candle Sticks embossed by Eugen Ehrenböck, and designed by Professor Josef Wackerle, Academy of Fine Arts, Munich

▼ Leuchter in Messing getrieben von E. Ehrenböck, Metall werk Stätte, München, nach Modellen von Prof. J. Wackerle, Akademie d. bildend. Künste, München

A Challenge to Handicraft

By Laurence Vail Coleman, Director of the American Association of Museums

Much is printed in critical magazines about the disintegration feit the touch ot the machine behind these developments. If

of the home, but the family is a rugged institution and people now the machine is to have a tighter grip on the very walls

keeppn building homes. Howeverdubious the social pessimists of our rooms, we may anticipate a rapid conquest of every

may be, there are strong indications that one of the next single thing in the house. The influence will then be infinitely

great industries to be created in this changing world will be more complete than it has ever threatened or promised to

that of making houses by the methods of mass production. be before.

In the near future we may be able to build at one-quarter to This means that designs using simple elements of form and

one-half of the present cost by piling up machine-made units broad areas of colour are to take complete possession of us.

into dwellings. The beginnings will doubtless be crude, but Itpredicts a much worse day for ornamentationthan ornament-

industrial art will make sure that designs become better and ation ever feared. It means that the homemaker will be put

more varied than ever before. under pressure to choose between banishing small objects

We have seen modern applied art come into the home, from her rooms and finding objects that are in harmony with

bringing new forms and new materials with it, and we have the new whole. (Continued on Page 27}