Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bayerischer Kunstgewerbe-Verein [Editor]
Kunst und Handwerk: Zeitschrift für Kunstgewerbe und Kunsthandwerk seit 1851 — 81.1931

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Popp, Joseph: A master of many crafts
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Creative Hands
No. 735

A Moster of mony Crofts

Prof. Hillerbrand and modern Art

By Professor Dr. Joseph Popp*)

Prof. Joseph Hillerbrand has developed trom a painter
into a creator of useful objects of arf. His work gives the
modern home a practica! as well as a cultivated note.
Hillerbrand has the unusual ability of satisfying the most
particular tastes, yet, while his work bears always the
stamp of the distinctive, it is never extravagant or capri-
cious. His fine feeling for the nature of the material and
1he means of working in it guards him against fantastic
extremes, and, at the same time, enables him to find
continually new sources of rare beauty. When he is
creating something he never loses sight of the fact that
the aesthetic value of the finished object depends on the

colourand structure of the material out of
which it is made. One can see from his
works that he is "master ofalltrades"—
glass-painting, glass-engraving, laquer
painting on furniture, inlaying in wood
and marble, as well as work in silver,
crystal and majolica.
His eye for colour shows itself, not only
his decorative mural paintings, but
especiallyin histextiles,tapestries, printed
linens, upholstery and wallpapers. In all
of these is clearly manifested his free-
flowing fantasy and his skilful hand,
which create lines of peculiar grace and
a whole world füll of colours and forms
which never repeat themselves. The illu-
strations given here are characteristic
examples of Professor Hillerbrand's
amazing versatilty and of his no
striking constancy to his ideal of con-
sistently beautiful workmanship.
Modern life and modern theories of
art demand that objects of Utility should
be beautiful as well as comfortable and
serviceable. Hillerbrand's work illustrates
this principle in an exemplary manner.
One notices immediately its appropri-
ateness of purpose, and its solidity, while

Prof. Joseph Hillerbrand • Venetian Glass Flower-Vases Ausführung: Deutsche Werkstätten at the Same time its inherent grace thrills
▼ Venetianer Gläser the artistic Sense.