Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Lawrence, Richard
Elgin marbles from the Parthenon at Athens — London, 1818 [Cicognara, 3502]

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of dissenting from doctrines and opinions which have been sanctioned by custom, and upheld
by academic authority. But lie begs to disclaim any motives of arrogant self sufficiency, or petulant

The observations which he has offered have arisen from conviction, produced by long reflection,
and from an ardent desire to contribute, in his humble sphere, to the welfare of art in his native
land; and however some may be inclined to dispute the validity of his arguments, he trusts
that none will doubt the purity of his zeal or the sincerity of his feelings. A time-serving policy
and an attention to worldly considerations would have dictated a more obsequious concordance
with the fallacies and prejudices of the day; but he who can compromise that genuine enthusiasm
and independence of mind, which the true feeling ol art inspires, for the sordid expectations of gain,
is a traitor both to his own honour and to the best interests of his profession.

If what is here offered on this subject be true, it will stand the test of time; if false, it will
carry with it its own condemnation. To that test, therefore, he cheerfully submits, with the
consciousness of having endeavoured well, however inadequate his ability to accomplish the arduous

That his work will betray both errors and imperfections he has but too much reason to
apprehend, but he derives consolation from reflecting that they are not the offspring of inconsiderate
haste, or wilful inattention.

Disdaining that mercenary spirit which actuates the unprincipled and barren spoliator of
other men's labours, who, with the view of gaining priority of publication, sends forth to the
world, after the short space of two or three months employment, a composition which might at least