Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Lawrence, Richard
Elgin marbles from the Parthenon at Athens — London, 1818 [Cicognara, 3502]

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wgour. The figures are easy and graceful, and the drapery light and elegant. The body of the
last figure is short comparatively with the legs, but this was a license taken by the artist, and of
which there are other instances amongst these equestrian subjects. The hats give an agreeable
finish to the costume.

Plate 48. No. 82.

Corresponds with the rest in style and execution. The action of the rider on the last horse is bold
and energetic.

Plates 49 and 50. No. 85.

Represent the man in the action of endeavouring to make his horse extend both his fore and
hind legs so as to occupy a large space of ground, and for this purpose he touches the back part
of the fetlock of the horse's fore-leg with his own foot, whilst at the same time he prevents his
body from advancing by restraining him with the bridle. This practice is very common amongst
modern horse-dealers.

The attitude of the man is extremely graceful; his hat is slung over his right shoulder, and
produces a good effect. Plate 50 is the restored duplicate.

Taken separately and collectively, these equestrian groups are inestimable even solely as
examples to modern artists, who, in common with all the painters and sculptors of the last two