Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Leo Liepmannssohn, Antiquariat; Strousberg, Bethel H. [Oth.]
Catalog der Strousberg'schen Bibliothek nebst einer Anzahl von Kunstgegenständen — Berlin: Leo Liepmannssohn, 1876

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II. Encyclopädien.
Zeitschriften allgemeinen (literarischen und encyclopaedischen Inhalts.)
18 The Academy, monthly record of literature, learning Science & art. 4. London, 1869—73,
Vol. 1 to 4., Hlwb,
19 Allibone. A critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors.
Philadelphia, 1859—1871, 3 Bde., gr. 8., cloth.
20 Athenaeum, Journal of literature, Science, fine arts etc. London, gr. 4., 1870, 1871. 4 vol.
cloth, 1872, 1873 in numbers.
21 Biedenleld. Compendiöses Conversationslexicon. Weimar 1843, 1 starker Bd., gr. 8., Hf.
(schlecht erhalten).
22 Bilder-Atlas zum Conversationslexicon entw. u. bearb. von I. G. Heck in 10 Abtheilungen.
Leipzig, 1860, 2 Bde. Text 8. 2 Bde. Atlas, tjuer fol. Hf.
23 A Biographical dictionary of the living authors of Great Britain and Ireland. London,
1816, 8, Hf.
24 Biographie des hommes vivants red. par une soc. de gens de lettres. Paris, 1816—19,
5 Bde., 8, Hf.
25 Biographie nouv. generale depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu’ä nos jours, publ. sous
la direction du Dr. Hoefer. Paris, 1855—66, 46 Thle in 23 Bdn., gr. 8., Hjucht.
26 Blackwood’s Edinburgh magazine. 1852 July-Dec., 1853, 1854. 14 Bde., 8., Lwbd.
27 Boilillet. Dictionnaire universel d’histoire et de geographie Paris, 1867, starker Bd.
gr. 8. Hf.
28 — Dictionn. univ. des Sciences, des lettres et des arts. Paris, 1867, gr. 8., Hf.
29 Brande & Cox. Dictionary of science litterature and art. London, 1865—67, 3 Bde,
8., Hjucht.
30 British, the, and foreign Review or European Quarterly Journal. Bd. 1—14, London
1835—43 8, Hf.
31 Gates. A diction. of general biography. London, 1867, gr. 8., Hf.
32 Conversations-Lexicon zum Handgebrauch. Leipzig, 1846. 1. starker Bd. gr. 8, Hf.
33 Duyckinck. Cyclopedia of American literature. New-York, 1866, 2 Bde., gr. 8., cloth.
34 Encyclopaedia Britannica or dictionary of arts, Sciences and general literature. 8th ed.
Edinburgh, 1853—60, 21 Bde. u. Index. 4. Halb braun Maroquin, Prachtexemplar.
35 Die Gegenwart. Eine encvclop. Darstellung der neuesten Zeitgeschichte. Lpz., 1848—1856,
12 Bde. 8. Hf.
36 Gencral-Conversationslexicon über die ges. menschl. Kenntnisse u. Fertigkeiten. Breslau,
1839, 8., Hf. (gebraucht).
37 Lempriere. Classical dictionary containing a copious account of all the proper names
mentioned in ancient authors. London 1839, 4., Hf. — A Collection of Supplements to all
editions of Lempriere’s dass. dict. London, 1837, gr. 8. Hf.
38 M’Culloeh. A dictionary geograph. Statistical & historical of the various countries, places
and principal natural objects in the world. New. ed. by Fred. Martin. London, 1866,
4 Bde. 8., cloth.
39 Maunder. The treasury of Knowledge and library of reference. London, 1864, 12.
39a — The treasury of natural history. London, 1862, 12., cloth.
40 Meyer'8 neues Conversationslexicon. 2. Aufl. 15 Bde. — Bd. 16 Register. — Bd. 17
Illustrationen. Hildburghausen, 1861—69, 17 Bde., gr. 8. Hf.
41 Meyer'« Handlexicon des allgemeinen Wissens. Hildburghausen, 1871—72, 1 Bd. in 2
Theile gebunden, Hf.
42 Oettinger. Moniteur des Dates. Biographisch-genealogisch-histor. Weltregister. Leipzig,
1869—72, 7 Bde. (od. Lfg. 1—40), gr. 4., Bd. 1—6 in 1 Bd., Hf. Bd. 7 (Supplement)
in Lieferungen.