Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Typhon to flight." Death vanquished to the
benefit of life ; evil suppressed to the benefit of
good; falsehood dissipated by truth: this then
is the symbol of which the sistrum is the genuine
type, and by this one sees that to the same ideas
of universal harmony, that is to say, of the beau-
tiful and the true,which we found so ingeniously
applied in the interior of the temple, is here
added the idea of good.

The temple of Denderah therefore presents a
certain arrangement which no doubt would
never be displayed by a temple of Pharaonic
origin, and this it is which betrays the influence
of the times in which it was erected. Evidently
the Platonic schools of thought then flourishing
at Alexandria extended their influence as far as
Denderah, and the entire decoration of the
temple is composed with a view to summing up
synthetically, under the imagery of local divini-
ties and their attributes, the three fundamental
parts of that philosophy, the Beautiful, the True,
and the Good.



From Keneh to Naggadeh......22£

" Naggadeh to Luxor......16

From Keneh to Luxor.......38£

From Boolak to Luxor, 464 miles.