Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Since the death of Mariette Bey, discoveries
have been made in Egypt, extensive and valu-
able enough of themselves to lift the ancient
Egyptians into notice as the most remarkable
nation of antiquity. It is supposed that a con-
densed narrative of these discoveries might be
acceptable to the reader as introductory to more
extended studies.

pyramids recently opened.

Since 1880 three pyramids have been opened
with important results. These are known as
the pyramids of Pepi, of Ounas, and of Teta.
The first and third belong to the VIth dynasty,
the second to the Vth. The general plan of
these early pyramids is the same. First a pas-
sage-way fifty or seventy-five feet in length, often
obstructed by portcullises, led from about the
middle of the north face to the heart of the
pyramid. This passage-way was about four and
