Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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in order to learn about the functioning of the electric tram in these cities.61 In
the published report on this trip, the experts showed in their finał conclusions that
the electric tram would meet Lviv’s expectations regarding intensive and cheap
public transport services, while providing reasonable grounds for the economic
success of the venture.62 Morę sceptical views on the part of some council-
lors towards the planned investment project were overcome by the professor
of the Imperial-Royal Polytechnic School in Lviv Roman Gostkowski (1837-1912).
At the end of September 1892, the latter gave a lecture at the Lviv City Hall, in
the conclusion of which he recognized “horse-drawn railways a nearly obsolete
institution - while electric railways, being a profitable enterprise at the time of fuli
flourishing”.63 Soon at the meeting of the Municipal Council, held on September
28,1892, at the request of councillor Andrzej Gołąb (1837-1903), it was decided
that an electric tramline should be built in Lviv before the exhibition opens. At
that time, funding was granted for conceptual work, and a five-member “Electric
Committee” was appointed to oversee the implementation of the investment
project on behalf of the CounciL64 A detailed electric tram construction project
was developed at the end of 1892 by Dzieślewski and Hochberger, who were best
acquainted with the issue of an innovative drive system for the tramway.65 In
a short time, at the end of April 1893, in accordance with the regulations issued
by the Ministry of Trade, city officials managed to get the developed project
approved by the Governor’s Authority.66 Then, on June 21,1893, government
concession was obtained for the construction and use of a municipal “electric
railway” in Lviv. On this basis, the Municipal Council decided on July 14,1893
to entrust the construction of the power plant and tramlines to the Siemens &
Halske company from Berlin.67
In the period from September 1893 to April 1894, the Berlin investor erected
a power plant (then called the “central station”) and a tram depot. Svitlana Linda
considered the Lviv construction contractor, Vienna University of Technology-
61 C.A. TapxoB, Icmopin nboiocKozo, p. 21; A. KpinKaHiBCbKiiii, Icmopin eneKmputfńKaufi Jlboooa,
‘TannijKa ópaMa”, 1995, issue 7, p. 5; idem, Prąd stały czy przemienny. Jak to było na początku
ełektryfikacji Lwowa, “Zeszyty Naukowe Wydziału Elektrotechniki i Automatyki Politechniki
Gdańskiej”, 2015, issue 43, p. 123.
62 J. Hickiewicz, P. Sadłowski, Roman Dzieśłewski. Pierwszy połski profesor ełektrotechniki i Jego współ-
pracownicy, Warszawa-Rzeszów-Tarnów-Gliwice-Opole 2014, pp. 77-80, featuring a photocopy
of the publication: “Sprawozdanie w sprawie budowy kolei elektrycznej w mieście Lwowie”, edited
by R. Dzieślewski, J. Hochberger, Lviv 15 iii 1892, pp. 161-190; A. Kryżaniwskij, Prąd stały, p. 124.
63 F. Dobrzyński, W sprawie budowy kołei ełektrycznej we Lwowie, “Czasopismo Techniczne”, 10,
1892, issue 10, p. 85.
64 Rada Miejska, “Gazeta Narodowa”, 28 xi 1892, issue 260, p. 2.
65 Centralne Państwowe Archiwum Historyczne Ukrainy we Lwowie (IJeHTpajibHiiii ^epiKaBHMM
icTopnmmii apxis ykpaiHn, m. JlbBiB, dalej: cdiau-l), Namiestnictwo Galicji (further: file 146),
description 68, case 3271, “Projekt der elektrischen Stadtbahn 1:1440”, edited by Municipal
Construction Office [Lviv 1892], f. 7-10.
66 cdiau-l,file 146, description 68,case 3276, “Protokoll begonnen am 18. April 1893 [...]”,Lemberg
22 iv 1893, f. 4O-6ov; Rewizja trasy, “Gazeta Narodowa”, 19 iv 1893, issue 90, p. 2; Kołej ełektry-
czna we Lwowie, “Kurier Lwowski”, 20 iv 1893, issue 109, p. 4; C.A. Tapxos, Icmopin nboiocKoeo,
pp. 21-22.
67 Kontrakt zawarty z firmą Siemens & Hałske na budowę i ruch kołei ełektrycznej we Lwowie,
Lwów 1893, pp. 2-3; K. Ostaszewski-Barański, Pogłąd na działałność, pp. 151-152; C.A. Tapxos,
Icmopin nboiocKoeo, p. 23; A. Kpn>KaHiBCbKnił, Icmopin eneKmpufiKaąii Jlboooa, p. 5; M. Rechłowicz,
J. Szajner, Początki tramwajów, pp. 103-104; A. Kryżaniwskij, Prąd stały, p. 124.



Tomasz Dywan