Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 19.2019

DOI Artikel:
Dywan, Tomasz: Od „szkoły berlińskiej” do secesji: przyczynek do architektury miejskich zakładów przemysłowych Lwowa w latach 1858–1914
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Drawing 10. Cross-section
and view of the pig abat-
toir, according to the 1899
design. Drawing based on
the design: dało, file 2,
description 4, case 1043,
f. 33-34
-> see p. 188

Figurę 11. Interior of pig
abattoir, status as of 1902.
Source: W. Górecki, Nowa
rzeźnia miejska we Lwowie,
“Przegląd Higieniczny”, 1,
1902, no. 5-12, p. 142
-» see p. 188
Figurę 12. Pumping station
atVolya Dobrostans’ka,
status as of 1901. Source:
S. Aleksandrowicz, Wodo-
ciqg lwowski, “Przegląd
Higieniczny”, 1,1902,
no. 1-3, p. 12
-» see p. 189


different, modelled on the arrangement of such facilities in the slaughterhouses
of Leipzig and Halle.94 The building, erected in the same way as other slaugh-
terhouses, was divided into two rooms for the slaughter of larger animals, and
of smaller animals and poultry. Entrances were located in the eastern wali, while
communication inside took place across the long axis of the building, starting
from slaughter cages, scalding vats, and places intended for dressing the animal
carcasses (see: Drawing 10, Figurę n)95.
When erecting residential and administrative buildings, engine rooms and
boiler rooms, workshops as well as a smali building for kosher slaughtering
of poultry, wood was used to make beam ceilings, roof girders, stairs and win-
dow frames.96 It was not necessary to use the morę expensive iron or reinforced
concrete structures in this case. It is also worth mentioning the smali auxiliary
buildings, such as the cowsheds at slaughterhouses, used for temporary housing
of the cattle intended for slaughter, and the intestinal washer, built in the form
of an octagonal rotunda (see: Drawing 9).
The faęades of the buildings of the municipal slaughterhouse were clasped by
morę massive pilaster strips at the edges, and evenly spaced lesenes on the longer
side walls. Between them, were madę large rectangular Windows were fitted,
enclosed in segments. In the case of smaller buildings, such as the ritual poultry
slaughterhouse, sanitary slaughterhouse, cowsheds and pigsty or outbuildings
added from the north to the main slaughter halls, lesenes were introduced only
on the edges of these buildings (see: Drawning 9,10). In this way, the monumen-
talism of the largest and also the essential buildings was emphasized, especially
against the background of smaller facilities. The monotony of brick faęades was
broken with artificial stone applications. Imitations of stone blocks were placed
on the edges of buildings. Strips of stone blocks stretched along at the height
of the closing of the window openings with segmental arches. Window axes were
accentuated using the imitation of keystones superimposed, on brick pommels
of segmental arches (see: Figurę 8, Drawings 9 and 10). The division of the faęade
described above is similar to that used in buildings erected less than one year
earlier, namely the facilities for the groundwater intake and pump station in Volya
Dobrostans’ka. The only difference - resulting, we can assume, from the func-
tional premises, as clinker brick was perceived to be less resistant to dirt - was
the choice of plaster for the faęade of the pump station and coal storage in Volya
Dobrostans’ka (see: Figurę 12).97
The report on a business trip undertaken by a Committee, delegated by
the city council to visit slaughterhouses in German cities, described, inter alia,
the buildings of these facilities, erected from “raw brick with architectural orna-
ments of sandstone”. Their sterile faęades symbolized the “economy and utility”
94 Sprawozdanie komisji wydelegowanej, pp. 28,35.
95 Detailed description of the slaughterhouse of pigs and its eąuipment is given by Wincenty
Górecki (Nowa rzeźnia, pp. 141-146).
96 cdiau-l, Kolekcja map i planów (file 742), description 1, case 1362, “Dom restauracyjny [oraz]
budynek administracyjny”, edited by Municipal Construction Office, Lviv ni 1898, f. 1,2; dało,
file 2, description 4, case 1045, “Rzeźnia drobiu (rytualna)”, edited by Municipal Construction
Office, Lviv ni 1898, f. 9.
97 X. XapnyK, Bodoein Mierna Jlbooea (eid nonamKy xv cm. do 1939 p.), JlbBiB 2015, pp. 110-112
(fig. 83 and 84).


Tomasz Dywan