Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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the power plant construction committee on October 10,1906, and supervision
over the execution and implementation of the detailed construction design was
entrusted to director Tomicki. The venture was one of the major industrial ini-
tiatives of the municipal government throughout Austria-Hungary, comparable
to the extension of the electric tram in Prague in 1897.128 For the construction
of the necessary technical infrastructure and the buildings for the power plant,
the city took two loans in the National Bank of the Kingdom of Galicia and
Lodomeria, in the total amount of 14 million krone, in the form of municipal
bond issues.129 The tender procedurę for the supply of technical equipment was
settled on December 18,1906, and the Municipal Council accepted these arrange-
ments at the end of February 1907. On April 8,1907, City Councillors decided
to commission the proven contractor A. Kamienobrodzki for the construction
the power plant.130
A little earlier, in the years 1905-1906, on the basis of a project developed
at the Municipal Construction Office, Kamienobrodzki built the second tram
depot, next to the power plant and the original tram depot complex from 1894.
This building repeated the pattern of the old depot (see: Figurę 13) with the dif-
ference that the wooden roof truss was replaced by wrought iron girders. Thanks
to the latter, there was no need to use columns to support the roof in the interior.
Also the platforms, between which parking tracks were laid, were madę on riveted
iron truss structures. In the Southern part of the building, on two floors, there were
warehouses, and from the west, a smali annex of the bathhouse and an toilets was
added.131 In the external faęades of the depot, the same divisions were repeated,
applying brick lesenes, as in the building of the power plant from 1894. However,
probably due to the reduction of construction costs, the inclusion of window
openings in decorative frames (stone or imitation stone), visible on the preserved
designs of this building, were ultimately abandoned.132 For this reason, the forms
of window openings were repeated as in the old depot from 1894.
The design of the new power plant complex was developed in March 1907
by the engineer of the Municipal Construction Office Adolf Piller (1877-1951),
educated at the Polytechnic in Lviv and Karlsruhe and the Academy of Fine Arts
in Munich. According to the drawings he developed, the complex consisted of two

Drawing 14. Plan of the gro-
und floor, cross-sections
and views of the elevation
of the machinę room, accor-
ding to the 1913 design. Dra-
wing based on the designs:
dało, file 2, description 1,
case 2101, f. 141
-> see p. 199

128 In both metropolitan centres, the costs of the construction of tramways, along with the construc-
tion of new municipal power plants exceeded the sum of 15 million krone; see: H. Feldstein,
Sprawozdanie, pp. 2-3; J. Tomicki, Ze statystyki, p. 7; M. Feith, Finanzielle Unternehmungen der
Gemeinden im Jahre 1908, “Osterreichisches Stadtebuch. Statistische Berichte der grósseren
ósterreichischen Stadte”, 13,1911, pp. 266-267.
129 H. Feldstein, Sprawozdanie, p. 2; S. Hoszowski, Ekonomiczny rozwój, p. 97; A. Kryżaniwskij, Prąd
stały, p. 126.
130 Komisja zarządzająca Miejskich Zakładów Ełektrycznych. Posiedzenie z dnia 18 grudnia 1906,
“Dziennik Lwowski. Organ urzędowy gminy król. stół, miasta Lwowa”, 2,1907, issue 1, p. 15;
Ciąg dałszy 77-go posiedzenia Rady Miejskiej dnia 28 łutego 1907, “Dziennik Lwowski. Organ
urzędowy gminy król. stół, miasta Lwowa”, 2,1907, issue 5, p. 134; 82. posiedzenie Rady miasta.
Dnia 8 kwietnia 1908, “Dziennik Lwowski. Organ urzędowy gminy król. stół, miasta Lwowa”, 2,
1907, issue 9, p. 229; Rada miasta Lwowa,“Gazeta Lwowska”, 2 iii 1907, issue 50, p. 4.
131 Description based on the surviving design dało, file 2, description 4, case 1051,“Projekt remizy
i magazynu dla stacji centrjalnej] kolei elektrjyczej]”, [edited by Municipal Construction Office,
Lviv 1905], f. 21; K). BipionbOB, ApximeKmypa nonarmcy xx cm. (1900-1918). ApximeKmya, in:
ApximeKmya Jlboooa. LIac i cmuni xm-xxi cm., edited by K). BipionbOB, HbbIb 2008, p. 458.
132 Design for the tram depot 1905-1906 was published by J. Lewicki, Między tradycją, p. 46 (fig. 16).

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