Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 19.2019

DOI Artikel:
Dywan, Tomasz: Od „szkoły berlińskiej” do secesji: przyczynek do architektury miejskich zakładów przemysłowych Lwowa w latach 1858–1914
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The north faęade of the constructed power plant complex consisted of two
parts, which significantly differed from one another. The north wali of the engine
room was enclosed in massive, rusticated pilaster strips, which were finished with
decorative pinnacles. Three lightning bolts - cast from iron, and fitted onto iron
circles - have been placed there. A triangular pediment, closing the smooth sur-
face of the wali, was fitted in-between the pinnacles. A large emblem of the city
of Lviv has been added on its axis. In the middle of this part of the faęade, a huge
rectangular window was placed, divided by two pillars into three parts. The open-
ing was closed with a triangular pediment, with the same pattern as the one that
crowned this part of the faęade. Rusticated lesenes were introduced on the faęades
of the boiler room, finished with decorative pinnacles in Art Nouveau style. Large
rectangular Windows were madę on one level in the fields, which they designated.
Above the Windows, triangular pediments were introduced on the north faęade,
and simple cornices on the west faęade (see: Figurę 16). In the fields between
the simple casing of the Windows, and the pediments and cornices, fiat decorations
were madę in plaster, depicting winged circles or wheels from which lightning
bolts propagated from side to side. In the lintels to enter the boiler room from
the west, the datę “1908” was placed, which marked the end of construction.
The north and south faęades of the boiler room were crowned with attics madę
between the Art Nouveau pinnacles, covering the sheathing of the gently slop-
ing boiler room mono-pitched roof. The Southern faęade of the complex looked
similar, albeit without the iron decorations or the emblem of Lviv city.136
In the faęades of the annexes added to the boiler room and to the engine room,
the rusticated pilaster strips at the edges, designed in the original project, have
been preserved. Placed on them were decorative iron clutches, on which arched
electric lamps were hung. The originally planned pinnacles, which were to crown
the pilaster strips, were replaced with Art Nouveau pinnacles. In the central part
of the western annex, as in the boiler room walls, four large rectangular Win-
dows were madę, extending the entire height of the faęade. They were encased
between fiat and smooth pilaster strips supported by simplified entablature
(see: Figurę 17).137
The huge complex could easily accommodate a large battery of six water-tube
steam boilers and three steam engines (each with the power of 1500 hp), conju-
gated with power generators.138 The technical equipment rested on reinforced
concrete foundations, constructed by the concrete works company of Alfred
Zachariewicz and Józef Sosnowski. Finishing works were entrusted to the local,

Figurę 16. View of the po-
wer plant complex in Per-
senkivka district, status as
of 1908. Photographer un-
known, photo from the I & I
Kotlobulatov Collection
-> see p. 203
Figurę 17. West elevation
of the municipal power
plant at Persenkivka,
status as of 1909. Photo-
grapher unknown, photo
from the I & I Kotlobulatov
-> see p. 203

136 A photograph of ca. 1927, showing the Southern elevation of the power plant, was published in:
[J. Bułat], Księga informacyjna, p. i5b.
137 The power plant at Persenkivka has been extended in the 1950S and 1960S. At that time, the in-
dustrial complex of Lviv power station was built, and within that project, the old structures were
completely overhauled. For the photographs of the era, showing the power plant at Persenkivka,
such as photographs taken by O. Zarechniuk showing the present State of the power station, see:
A. Kpi>KaHiBCbKMM, Byn. KosenbnuiibKa 5 - JlboiocbKa meu,-! (within the digital encyclopaedia
project “Interactive Lviv” implemented by the Centre for Urban History of Central and eastern
Europę: www.lia.lvivcenter.0rg/uk/0bjects/k0zelnytska-05/, accessed: 12 July 2019).
138 The construction of the power plant and its eąuipment is mentioned by: E. Slovsa, Die neu-
en elektrischen Anlagen der Stadt Lemberg, “Zeitschrift des Osterreichischen Ingenieur- und
Architekten-Vereins”, 62,1910, issue 4, p. 62; A. KpÓKaniBCbKnń, Icmopin eneKmpufiKaufi
JlboiouęuHU, pp. 57-60.

From “Berlin school” to Art Nouveau: contribution to the study of architecture...
