Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Modus: Prace z historii sztuki — 19.2019

DOI Artikel:
Dywan, Tomasz: Od „szkoły berlińskiej” do secesji: przyczynek do architektury miejskich zakładów przemysłowych Lwowa w latach 1858–1914
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there were the markets: Zbożowy, Misjonarski, and a cattle market, located west
of the municipal slaughterhouse. At that time, this part of the Krakivsky district
had an industrial and commercial character.158 The location of the horse tram
depot and stable complex in the central part of the Krakivsky district was due
to the proximity of the railway station, which was the main point of service
for tram passengers. The exception was the location of the tram depot and
the power plant from 1894, built in the Halytskyi district, which was considered
to be a prosperous area.159 In this case, technical conditions were of key impor-
tance, as the power plant, which powered the tramway traction, had to be built
in the middle of the used tramline.160
Since the end of the nineteenth century, there has been a dynamie inerease
in the population of Lviv, foliowed by a rapid development of housing.161 Hence,
the existing locations of municipal industrial plants have become increasingly
burdensome for their surroundings. For this reason, local authorities have set
up a completely new slaughterhouse on wet meadows on the northern edge
of the Zhovkva district. During the second half of the nineteenth century, this
part of the city became an industrial and craft district, inhabited mainly by Jews
and by workers. There were numerous craftsmen workshops and smali industrial
plants here. Some of these, such as the Baczewski vodka and liqueur factory, be-
gan to transform into large industrial factories at the beginning of the twentieth
century.162 It was also here that the largest tram depot should be built, it had
been decided. However, the location of the new power plant was moved outside
of the administrative boundaries of Lviv city. At that time, care was taken that
the newly constructed facilities were connected to the railway network. From
the power plant, railway sidings were built to the slaughterhouse on Gabrielivka
and to the power plant on Persenkivka. In the case of the gasworks already in
use, due to the compact housing surrounding it, it was not possible to connect
the plant to the railway linę. Therefore, before the outbreak of World War I, there
was a plan to build much larger, new gasworks, next to the municipal slaughter-
house in Gabrielivka.163
When designing and constructing the complexes here described - and typi-
cally for utilitarian architecture - investors tried to reduce any unnecessary costs.
The requirement for savings determined the choice of building materials and
architectural forms used by the engineers. Inspired by the work of J.-N.-L. Durand
and K. Schinkel, the preference was for simple blocks of buildings with non-style,
“universal” faęade divisions, reflecting the structure of industrial buildings.164
Such architectural forms were used by urban architects from the late nineteenth
century until the outbreak of World War I. At that time, common motifs of sim-
plified Gothic were introduced, focused on the gables of the buildings being
constructed. These were typical for utilitarian construction in Germany and in
158 C. 7IiH.ua, ApximeKmypa, pp. 322-324.
159 J. Lewicki, Między tradycją, pp. 37-38.
160 A. Kryżaniwskij, Prąd stały, p. 124.
161 J. Lewicki, Między tradycją, pp. 43-45.
162 Ibidem, p. 39.
163 Komisja Gazowa. Posiedzenie dnia 27 października 1913, “Dziennik Lwowski. Organ urzędowy
gminy król. stół, miasta Lwowa”, 20,1913, no. 8, p. 356.
164 A. Rottermund, Jean-Nicolas-Louis Durand, p. 25.



Tomasz Dywan