Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Murray, Margaret Alice
The Osireion at Abydos — London, 1904

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and his poison goes down to Amentet. Those who
are in this scene, it is they who establish Ra in the
eastern horizon of heaven. They direct this god,
their staves (?) in (?) their hands, two to the left and
two to the right, in the two sanctuaries of this god.
They go forth behind him, praising his soul [when]
they see it. It is they who make firm his disk.
Those who are in this scene, they turn themselves
towards this pylon of Duaty [Him of the Duat],
opening the caverns and making firm their secret
pylons. The souls, they arise behind him."

C. A cat-headed god holding an ««j-sceptre in
his right hand; in his left, which is behind his back,
is a lotus. On the sarcophagus of Sety the god
holds a serpent. The name is Mauty, " He of the
cat." Four men bowing, called Auityu. *Four
women standing, \Ke\byut, " The mourners." Four
women wearing the crown of Lower Egypt, and four
wearing the crown of Upper Egypt.*

Theinscription reads : ".....behindhim, their

bodies are in their place. Those who are in this
scene, naming Ra ; great are the names of his trans-
formations. Their souls, they ascend behind him,
when their bodies remain in their place. Those who
are in this scene raise up truth and make it firm in
the shrine of Ra when he sets in Nut. Their souls,
they ascend behind him, their bodies remain in
their place. Those who are in this scene, it
is they who fix the duration of time, and
make the years to come into existence for the
guardians of the desolate ones in the Duat and for
the Living Ones in heaven, namely, they who follow
this god. Those who are in this scene in this pylon,
they are uncovered as to their hair before this great
god in Amentet. They turn themselves towards this
pylon, entering not into heaven. Those who are in
this scene they worship Ra, they offer praises to
him, they adore him when they worship the gods
who are in the Duat and the gatekeepers of the
secret places. They remain in their place. The
doorkeeper of the cavern [Qercrt) remains in his

21. Pl. XV. The sunrise is shown on the east
wall of the north passage. It had been painted in
red and black, but is now greatly faded, and in
places the figures and hieroglyphs are barely
visible. I think that it is still unfinished, and that
the painting was merely a temporary decoration put
up until it was possible to sculpture the scenes in
the same way as on the opposite wall. Otherwise

I cannot account for the first draft of the inscription
being still visible here and there, as is shown by the
signs in dotted lines, which were as distinct as the
other hieroglyphs. Only two colours, red and black,
were used here, whereas four colours, red, black,
white, and blue, were used on the sculptured walls.
It seems probable then that this East wall shows us
merely the artist's sketch, which was never finished.

The scene has the pathway of the sun, as in the
sunset, with the solar disk in the middle. From the
disk issue Horus the Child, emblematic of the
youthful Sun, and the ram-headed Beetle, emblem-
atic of creation and resurrection. Two pathways
diverge from the disk diagonally across the scene,
defining the limits of the celestial river. Above the
upper diagonal path are seven bowing figures, turned
upside down. They are called, Sheta Kheperu,
"Secret of transformations ; " Sheta yru, "Secret of

forms;" As (?) mesut, ".....of births;" Ytny

ta, " He who is in the earth ; " Khenti-ta, " Chief of
the earth ; " Meny, " He who establishes ; " Khesny.
Between them and the sun's path are three lines of
hieroglyphs: "These gods who are in this scene,
they give praise (?) to Ra.............com-
panion (?) when he enters (?) from the womb of

Between the diverging paths are eight lines of
hieroglyphs: (i) " We draw Ra, we follow this only
lord, (2) Khepera, chief lord. Hail to thee, the
great one, (3) ye are glorious. Living soul of my
transformations. (4) Peace, peace, within his disk.
Ra rests within (5) his disk.. This great god enters
into his eastern hill, chief of the (6) gods, seeing
the past generations {pat), shining on the present
generations (rekhyt) (7) blessed is the face of him
upon earth by these gods." The last line is too
obscure to translate.



22. A few small objects were found in the filling
of the passages and halls, apparently having been
thrown away as mere rubbish. The building itself
had evidently been rifled, and every object removed,
whether of value or not.

Pl. XVII, 3. A tall pottery stand of a form
characteristic of the XINth Dynasty.