Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Naville, Edouard; Tylor, J. J. [Hrsg.]; Griffith, Francis Ll. [Hrsg.]
Ahnas el Medineh: (Heracleopolis Magna) ; with chapters on Mendes, the nome of Thoth, and Leontopolis; [beigefügtes Werk]: The tomb of Paheri : at el Kab / by J. J. Tylor and F. L. Griffith — London, 1894

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sponding to that on the other half, but turned
in the opposite direction; in that case one
figure would represent Paheri about to visit
the indoor banquet and scene of offering upon
the East wall, while the other would represent
him "coming out upon the earth," as if cross-
ing over to the out-of-door occupations upon
the West wall.

Above the level of the lintel was an important
scene with a boat, but only a fragment of it
is preserved over the figure of Paheri, already-
described : possibly it indicated that Paheri
or his ghost was prepared for a voyage on the
river. Of a symbolical representation at the
top of all, there remains only one sign, pro-
bably meaning ab, tl the East.'1

>> i


Upon the West wall of the main chamber
are three series of scenes. The first of these
(pl. iii.) occupies nearly one-half of the total
length, and represents Paheri in his public
capacity as scribe and nomarch, pushing
forward the operations of agriculture within
his district, superintending the yearly stock-
taking of the herds, and receiving the tribute
of gold for the king. In the second series
(pl. iv.) he is in his private domain, receiving
game and fish, the produce of his vineyard and
gardens, and of the looms &c. in his own
house. The last section (pl. v.) is occupied
with ceremonial scenes from the funeral ritual.
It will be observed that all the scenes on this
wall are enacted out of doors.

The Official Life of Paheri. Pl. iii.

(1) Inspection of Agriculture and Corn.

The greater part of the plate (more than two-
thirds) is occupied with agricultural scenes, in
three registers, dominated by a large standing
figure of Paheri. The figure has been altered,

1 Cf. the top of pl. ix,

the sculptor having made grievous mistakes
about the head. Paheri was probably to be
represented exactly as on the front wall, but
the aristocratic wig, beard, and profile were
forgotten until the stone had already been
cut away irretrievably. The plebeian features
are still the most prominent, in spite of the
efforts made to rectify the mistake. Probably
a coating of cement was laid on the surface
and the head recut, partly in the stone, partly
in the cement; but the latter having crumbled
off, leaves the sorry sight of two profiles, two
eyes, two ears and two wigs, neither face being
now complete.

The inscription reads—

ma dtru shemu dtru pert, henut nebt drert em sekhet
an ha en Nekheb, ha en Anyt, drer maa em dht nu
a resi, an heseb at Paheri maa kheru

" Seeing the seasons of summer, the seasons of
winter, and all the occupations performed in
the fields, by the prince of Nekheb, the prince
of Anyt, who acts and inspects in the corn-
lands of the south district, the scribe of the
accounts of corn, Paheri, justified."

Accompanying Paheri on his tour of in-
spection are three attendants bearing bags,
napkins, sandals and a stool, as on the East
wall;2 one of them is the "attendant of the
^a-prince......en (?).3

In front waits a chariot with its pair of
horses of different colours; the groom Khnemem
(Jcazana Khnemem) stands by holding the reins
and his master's bow in one hand, and the
whip in the other. The empty bow-case is
seen attached to the side of the chariot. The
groom endeavours to soothe and steady the
impatient steeds—

aha. em dr nezeb,41 pa heter dqer, ha (?) mery neb-ef,
aba en pa ha. dm-ef en bu neb

2 Pl. vi., bottom row to left.

3 The first sign in the name seems to be incorrectly formed
in the original.

4 —a-"1-'j j] c^=f=(?) seems to be for «—"l—^ J gL which

is found in pl. vii., speech of the servant to Sen-senbet.