Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Naville, Edouard
The temple of Deir el Bahari (Band 1): The north-western end of the upper platform — London, 1895

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not to the same deity. It is no longer Amon but

© w—

Amut neb To ser her db Serui

Amut the lord of Toser who resides at Serui

(Deir el Bahari)

To ser is a word often applied to the other world ;

originally it designated the sandy and undulating soil

of the necropolis.

Plate XI.—East Wall {continued). In the third
scene appeared

j— ffl Jk

Us dr Merit Amenti

Osiris who resides in the Anient (the West)

represented as a mummy, and grasping his emblems,
the hook T and the flail £\. The offering made by
the queen, of whom it is said

f S

consists of

dr s tu ankh zetto
she is living eternally

mu teshert aft
water red vases four

Again the priest goes four times round the statue
saying four times also—

j~ n :

Us dr uab sep sen
" Osiris is pure pure "

The god does not fail to express his gratitude to the
queen, saying—



1 fWJ*S*fi.

tu n{d) nt nem kha. m suten nt art

I will give thee renew (thy) rising as king made
" I will give thee to renew thy rising as king, granting
thee millions of Sed periods in great number" (see
pi. ix.).

If any trace remained of the figure of the god in
the next scene, we should find him represented with
a hawk's head, and standing, his name being Sokaris.
This was one of the forms of Osiris—

ill - «^

Seker neter aa neb shetyt

Sokaris the great god the lord of the mysterious region

The offering consists of *~>~« Q <=>, a vase of water,
probably the kind called nem or kun. The water is
poured over the head of the god.

In the last scene, which is at the further end of the
wall, was the god Phtah in a shrine. The queen
opens a window at the top of this shrine, and takes
away a covering which is probably a veil. The scene
is entitled

fc A J ill

sefe/c/d feb

take away the veil

The god makes the usual divine promise :



tu n(d) nt renpetu n heh Itu db Ha md
I will give thee years eternal and joy as to Ra

Behind the queen, whose name has been erased, are
these words:

kha s her ust Hor zetto

She rises on the throne of Horus eternally

The symbols below have not as yet been satisfactorily
explained. We shall find them again elsewhere. In
a vertical inscription to the right of these signs are the
following words, which also recur elsewhere in the

V. erased J[

unen sa Ra nt khet-f mert-f

is the son of Ra of his body loving him






k/ient Icau dnk/m neb (chat Ma md zetto

the first of beings living all shining Ra like eternally

" The son (sic) of Ea of his body, Hatshepsu
is the first of all living beings, shining like Ea

The western wall has not been reproduced. It bears
three scenes. Nearest to the door the queen offers
holy oil to Anubis. Next she presents cakes to the
same god ; and lastly she burns incense before Amon

Plate XII.—End Wall op Niche. Anubis -ft- % °
@ Amut tep lu-f, Amut on his mountain, presents

the sign •¥• to the queen, who, nevertheless, is said to
be a worshipper of Amon. Anubis bestows the usual
gifts of life, stability, and purity.

Plates XIII.-XV.—North Wall of Niche. These
three plates together represent a single scene covering
