Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Neuenheim College <Heidelberg> [Hrsg.]
Der Neuenheimer: the magazine of Neuenheim College, Heidelberg, Germany — 1885

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you don't laugh!", when lie exploded into a fit of laughter, which
he had before been able to keep in, and which had been originally
started by my peculiar appearance as I focussed him, and by the
fact that I tried to do so for some time before I discovered that
the cap was on the lens. Having- at last recovered, he posed himself
again, and I prepared to take him; I only gave him about a minute,
but he apparently thought that rather long, and so he assumed about
nine different positions during the operation; the result was, that
when I developed the plate, lie had about half-a-dozen noses and
the rest in proportion. Somehow or other he objected to be taken
again, but I had learnt one thing from the trial, never to say „Mind
you don't laugh I-1, and indeed afterwards I found great difficulty in
getting any mean between a grin and a tortured look. I remember,
when I was a very small boy, that I was much aAved by the impos-
ing machine aimed at my head by the photographer, and looked
solemn. That ingenious man inmediately produced a cat and pinched
its tail till it yelled, and at last evoked the required smile (I am
naturally a great enemy of cats); but as most of those, whom I
tortured were too old to be amused by the agony of a cat, that
expedient failed me. Besides human beings, I have also tried land-
scapes and animals, but the latter I have found very refractory; a
cow came out with eight legs and five tails, a dog with two heads
and a lot of mist, and a horse, which walked off in the middle, was
nothing but a long streak. I will end with a little advice: first,
don't go in for photography; secondly, if you do, try, by being as
quick as possible, not to make your subjects look tortured, and above
all never tell a lady that the photo you have taken is exactly like
her, as it is hardly likely that your production will be a modern


Heidelberg v. Neuenheim College.


1. E. Calvert

2. J. Jackson

3. F. Cortes

4. W. Jones

5. K. II. Allpress c.

G. F. Calvert

7. V. Larymore

8. II. Holz

P. Clarence

10. C. Hardy

11. P. Prouse

Played June 4th 1885.
1st Innings

b. J. Ellis 6
b. Mr. Monckton 0
b. J. Ellis 0

Mr. Monckton 5 c.
b. J. Ellis 0
b. Mr. Monckton 0 c.
b. E. C. Prinsep 0 st.
st. Mr. Ellis b. J. Ellis 1 st.

b. J. Ellis Ü
not out 0 c.

Extras !)


run out
J. Edwardcs b.
W. Barlow

2nd Innings

b. Mr. F. Ellis 5
b. W. Barlow 0
b. W. Barlow 0
c. and b. E. C. Prinsep 0
W. Barlow b. Mr. Ellis 2
b. Mr. Ellis 11
J. Sillery b. Mr. Ellis 0
Gfllham b. Mr. Ellis 1
Gillbam b. Mr. Ellis 2
not out 1
W. Barlow b. E. C. Prinsep 0
Extras 2