Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Neuenheim College <Heidelberg> [Hrsg.]
Der Neuenheimer: the magazine of Neuenheim College, Heidelberg, Germany — 1886

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Several other speeches were made and the toast on the ladies, the
Head-master and Mr. Robinson, were especially warmly responded to.

Amid the sounds of „Rnle Brittannia," followed by the National
Anthem, and hearty cheers, as the Head-master and his family with-
drew, this most enjoyable evening ended.

Our annual fancy-dress ball.

One Saturday afternoon an unusual bustle might have been ob-
served in the College precincts, mysterious parcels constantly arrived,
conversation carried on in whispers, all tended to herald the approach
of the most exciting event of the week.

The evening's entertainment, though, surpassed our most sanguine
expectations. The school-room was hardly recognisable as such, and
it was indeed a pleasure to us exiles to feast our eyes on the old

The Neuenheimers have always shown taste and skill in making
pretty or comic costumes out of the most simple materials, but this
mask ball must receive the palm over all the preceding ones. The
dresses were very tasteful and original, masks, hideous enough not
to disgrace the most awful nightmare, whilst martial moustaches
and flowing beards gave a dignified appearance to the proceedings.
Of the many clever costumes and caricatures perhaps a Lord Dun-
dreary was the best, the behaviour of his Lordships „alter ego" doing
great credit to his powers as an actor. Three ghosts, like skeletons
at feasts of the ancients, glided about in slippers which impeded
their motion a good deal. Their ghostliness however retired before
the evening's entertainment closed. A sandwich man was extolling
the excellence of Pears' Soap, but did not seem to have tried the
benefits derivable from its usage on his own person. The German
military was represented very successfully, the only draw-back being
that the long swords swung about in a little too lively manner, and
endangered the safety of many of the dancers. Courtiers of all times
abounded, a gorgeous Spanish cavalier in blue and silver, making up
what he Wanted in height by breadth. Two „mashers" would have
been more conspicuous if not hidden behind a wall of collar.

The fair sex (i. e. the pretenders to that name) was chiefly
conspicuous by its absence, and the few members of it which were
present, were not all that could be desired. The visitors who had
kindly consented to be present, enlived the gay scene with their
kindness and tasteful toilettes. The dancing, chiefly limited to walzes
and polkas, was carried on with great zest till ten o'clock. There
was a lamentable lack of enthusiasm, though, when the National
Anthem was struck up, no vocal accompaniment whatever being heard.
Cheers and light refreshments closed this most enjoyable evening,
which was decidedly one of the greatest successes which the College
ever witnessed.