Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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sons of Tehutihetep, with their names, Shemsu-
era-khau-ef, Usertsen-ankh and Nehera, shoot-
ing arrows. It is much to be deplored that
the colours have entirely gone from this
interesting sculpture, and that it has been
much injured in other ways; yet what remains
of it is very intelligible.

In the top row we see a man armed with
bow and quiver advancing from the left
towards a galloping animal (bubale ?) accom-
panied by its calf, while a man crouching on
the ground appears to be securing the end of
a bolas or lasso to a stout peg by a slip-knot.
The bolas has no doubt caught the horn of the
animal, the upper part of which is destroyed.
The legs of numerous animals are seen behind.
At the right-hand end of the row an archer
pursues a bubale (?) to the fence. Just below
is a row of bushes, with a hare crouching.

In the next row on the left are two oryxes,
and a man pulling at a bolas which has pro-
bably caught the hind leg of one of them;
then six bubales and a calf ; and a man whirl-
ing his lasso round his head to cast at a large
animal already noosed by another huntsman
at the end of the row. The last has foreign
features, with pointed beard and long hair,
and wears only a very narrow girdle; doubt-
less he is a Bedawi huntsman of the desert.

In the third row is an archer shooting at two
ibexes accompanied by a young one. Behind
them is a hillock, up which climbs a porcupine.
Beyond is a leopard, then a gazelle, and below
a bubale with calf and three addaxes (?).

In the fourth row Shemsu-em-khau-ef with
his bow and quiver, and with spare arrows in
his hand, shoots at a herd of oryxes. On the
other side of the fracture there is a lion, a hare
and a jackal; then two ostriches, and a man
perhaps driving them.

The next row is much injured. On the
right are Usertsen-ankh and Nehera shooting1
at a large antelope, above the fore-legs of which
remain the hind-legs and tail of a little jerboa.

In the sixth row are the heads of four stags
or fallow deer, nobly posed, and other game;
we can also see the characteristic curled tail of
an Egyptian hound.

In the bottom row men are setting up posts
and driving back large wild oxen1 with staves.
They wear ostrich feathers in their hair, like
the Egyptian soldiers.

Left-hand Wall (see Key Plan, k).

The wall on the left-hand side is completely
destroyed. We may conjecture that the subject
was a scene of wrestling and fighting corre-
sponding to the hunting scene on the opposite

Inner Wall, right side, pi. viii. (see Key
Plan, h).

Tehutihetep, wearing a collar, a fillet round
the head and a short tunic, is in a canoe,
fowling with a throw-stick. Two women, pre-
sumably his wife and daughter, are with him in
the boat, and behind him were his three sons
and an attendant holding a large shield. The
papyrus clump which must have occupied the
space between the end of the boat and the
right jamb of the door has entirely disap-
peared, probably owing to its having been only
painted, not sculptured. Similarly the water
on which the canoe floats is represented only
by a blank space. The same is the case with
the water in the next narrow band below, in
which are sculptured three boats laden with
papyrus, &c.; in two of them, as often, the
boatmen are represented sparring; the third
boat is almost entirely destroyed.

The inscription, in eight vertical lines, above

1 These oxen closely resembling the domestic breeds are
also seen in Beni Hasan, Part I., pis. xiii. and xxx., Part II.,
pis. iv. and 'xiii., as well as in paintings of the XVIIIth
Dynasty. It has been the custom to identify them with
various large species of antelopes, but the excellent sculpture
at El Bersheh excludes this idea.

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