Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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second is named Nekhta, and carries a spear
and a bow.

There is another gap here, sufficient for five
or six figures. Then come three attendants with
long tunics, and at the inner end of the wall
is a scribe carrying two rolls of papyrus. He is
the an hen kherp Jcatu nebt, " scribe of the
box, superintendent of all the works," and is
named " Nekhta's son Sepa, born of Sepa."

Inner Wall, pi. xxxiii. (Key Plan, x).

The paintings and inscriptions upon this wall
are incised and delicately coloured. On the left
is represented Tehutihetep standing, clothed
with a small skirt and wearing sandals. He
holds in his right hand the 0 baton of office,
and in his left hand a staff. Hanging from
his neck is a collar, attached to which is an
elaborate pectoral (mutilated).

Above him is an inscription in eight lines
(six vertical and two horizontal), reading :—

zed-ef merhi kher te-ef............ ren per-nef khent ef

en uru arm hesut-d dpten kher tef-d kher neter-d
det-ef sa em her en net ef her tep da en Vnt
em sett' en utetsu ti (?) pu en tef-[d] pen (?) erde-
nef u[d~\ em her net-ef ha kherp nesti ur duct
her tep da en Unt Kay sa Zehutihetep

" He speaks before his father..................name of

him from whom he came, are not very great these
my praises before my father and before my god,
that he should place a son as the chief of his town
(and) Great Chief of the Hare nome, as the suc-
cessor of him who begat him, the son of the old
age of this my father, he placed me as chief of his
city, the /m-prince, regulator of the two thrones,
great of five,2 Great Chief of the Hare nome, Kay's
son Tehutihetep."

1 rj jj masc. substantive derived from rl, meaning a person
holding a place. The inscription is difficult to translate.

2 It will be recollected that these two titles are those of
the high priest of Thoth in the Hare nome.

On the right is represented a standing figure
of Tehutihetep's father Kay, clothed with an
elaborate pointed skirt, and wearing sandals.
In his right hand he holds a staff, and in his
left a leathern thong (?). A pectoral in the
shape of a panther's head, with two loops
above and a tassel below, is suspended from
his neck by a long variegated band. Above
him is the inscription reading as follows :—

zed medu rekht anMu hd .............. enti menkh dm

maa-dven dr-en nd neb-d ds-d nen dr-enndneter-d
erdet-ef sa-d em her net-ef her tep da en Unt
em seti* en dr ud ha kha Usertsen mer henu
neter Neherd sa Kay

" Speech : O living mortals ! rejoice ............who is

excellent amongst them. When I see these things
which my lord has done for me, and when I reckon
those things which my god has done for me, in
that he placed my son as chief of his city and
Great Chief of the Hare nome, as successor of him
who made me (the) 7;a-prince of the hha pyramid-
city of Usertsen I. (?), superintendent of the priests,
Nehera's son Kay."

Left and Right-hand Walls, pis. xxxii., xxxiv.
(Key Plan, w, y).

The scenes and inscriptions on the two sides
of the shrine are almost identical; both are
considerably mutilated, but the one helps to
complete the other, and we shall therefore treat
them together. It will be observed that the
right half of the inner wall is devoted to Kay,
and the left to Tehutihetep. It seems to be
the same with the side walls. The right-hand
wall bears what is probably a figure of Kay,
identifiable by the fragment of the title
mentioning the pyramid-city of Usertsen. On
the left-hand wall there can be no question
that Tehutihetep is represented, though his
name and titles are destroyed.

On each wall the principal personage is seated
with an altar before him and lists of offerings
above. The figures are arranged in five rows.

3 Vide note supra.