Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Newberry, Percy E.
The life of Rekhmara, vezir of Upper Egypt under Thothmes III and Amenhetep II: (circa b.C. 1471 - 1448) — Westminster, 1900

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In publishing a memoir on the great tomb of Rekbmara my object is to give to students
and others interested in Egyptian Archaeology and History a faithful record of one of
the most important private monuments in Egypt.

All the plates are reductions to a convenient size of tracings in outline of the scenes
and inscriptions found in the tomb. They are printed in red in preference to black, not
only because that colour was used for outline work by every Egyptian artist, but also
because it appears softer, and, to my mind, more pleasing to the eye.

In the letterpress I have confined myself to giving a brief notice of what is known
of the life of Rekhmara, together with summaries of the contents of the inscriptions and
short explanatory descriptions of the scenes occurring in his tomb. Full translations of
the hieroglyphic texts are not given, for such, at present, must of necessity be tentative,
and, to be useful, would entail printing very long commentaries.

Those students who possess M. Virey's Le tombeau de Rekhmara, published in the
Memoires de la Mission Archeologique Franqaise, may perhaps ask why it is necessary to
duplicate copies of an already published tomb. I would in reply pray them to compare
the Trench publication with my own.

The present volume represents about one-third of the paintings and inscriptions in
Rekhmara's tomb, and gives nearly all those dealing with the great vezir's official career.
The scenes relating to Rekhmara's funeral, and the ceremonies connected therewith, as
well as the scenes showing foreigners bringing tribute to the Theban vezir, will be pub-
lished in facsimile in future volumes.

My friend Professor Spiegelberg gave me much preliminary help in the preparation
of the Summary of the inscription detailing the duties of the vezir, and kindly checked
my copy with the original at Thebes in 1896; to him, therefore, I wish to express my
sincerest thanks.


39 Palace Mansions,
