Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Newton, Charles T. [Editor]; Pullan, Richard P. [Editor]
A history of discoveries at Halicarnassus, Cnidus and Branchidae (Band 2, Teil 1) — London, 1862

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The place visited by Mr. Donaldson was so
encumbered with houses and garden walls, and so
cut up into small plots, that it was not till after
long familiarity with the ground that I recognized
its real features.

One peculiarity about this spot was the uneven-
ness of the surface of the fields, in which hillocks
and hollows occurred so capriciously as to appear
rather the result of ancient excavations than any
natural formation. This anomalous configuration
of the ground, and the impediments which the
houses and enclosures offered to a general view,
for a long time prevented me from tracing out the
outline of the great platform on which the Mauso-
leum stood.

I commenced operations in a field near the house
of a Turk called Hadji Nalban;0 Here the soil was
full of small fragments and splinters of the finest
white marble, as if from the breaking-up of ancient

After digging for a day or two, I came'to several
small fragments broken off from a frieze in high
relief. One of these, a foot, had a piece of mould-
ing attached, which I at once recognized as iden-
tical with that of the slabs of frieze removed from
the castle in 1846.

This was enough to convince me that I was on
the right track, and that the site of the Mausoleum
could not be far off. Pieces of detached mouldings
from an Ionic edifice were continually turned up

c See Plate IT.