Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Notae Numismaticae - Zapiski Numizmatyczne — 3/​4.1999

DOI Artikel:
Mielczarek, Mariusz: Macieja z Miechowa wiedza o pieniądzu antycznym
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rzymskich miały uwiarygodnić genealogię Polaków. Zdaje się na to wska-
zywać i to, że opinię na temat denarów znajdowanych na ziemiach Polski
zawarł on w rozdziałach „Opisu Sarmacji", które praktycznie poświęcił na
rozważania o początkach Słowiańszczyzny55. Z drugiej strony nie można
wykluczyć, iż Miechowita miał w swoim zbiorze numizmatycznym monetę
Hadriana znalezioną w Polsce.


Maciej of Miechów and His Knowledge about Ancient Coins

Maciej of Miechów (1457-1523), a physician and astrologer, an expert in geo-
graphy and history, later the author of the oldest ever edited outline of the history of
Poland was the first to pay an attention to the Roman denars foimd on the territory
of Poland.

Miechowita's interest in ancient coins found in Poland was due to his fascina-
tion with the past which he developed during his stay in Italy. Miechowita deepe-
ned his knowledge about coins meeting with Pomponius Laetus (1428-1498) an
eminent humanist and a connoisseur of ancient Rome. The effect of his stay in Italy
might have lead to the creation of a private collection of coins among which there
were gold and silver Roman exemplars.

Miechowita referred to denars dating from Hadrian's period, which were bro-
nght to Poland by the Vandals, whom he considered to be the ancestors of the Polish
people. In Miechowita's times the Vandal genealogy of the Polish nation had a long
tradition reaching the end of the tenth century.

According to Miechowita, the presence of the coins dating from the Hadrian's
period on the Polish territory was a proof of the thesis pretending that the Vandals
(Poles) were a sedentary nation occnpying the territories between Odra and the
Vistula rivers. Hadrian's coin found in Poland might have once belonged to Mie-
chowi ta's numismatic collection.


55 Opis Sarmacji, rozdz. II „O Gotach", rozdz. III „O Alanach, Wandalach i Swewach",
rozdz. IV „Ciąg dalszy relacji o Wandalach, Alanach i Swewach".
