Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean — 13.2001(2002)

DOI Artikel:
Witkowski, Maciej; Barakat, Abou Al-Youn [Gefeierte Pers.]: Abou Al-Youn Barakat: 1939-2002
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With the death of Dr. Abu Al-Youn Barakat Science has suffered an irremediable loss. It is
a pity that he wrote little, for he had that unique gift, of which only the best of scholars are truly
possessed, to bring to life a real world out of any material, however poor it may be. His acquaintance
with and deep understanding of historic Egyptian monuments and his broad practical field knowl-
edge caused every word that he did write to be highly appreciated by the most eminent scholars. But
it was in teaching that Dr. Abu Al-Youn Barakat found his true vocation. Like the Piper of
Hamelyn, he guided hoards of enchanted students through the important archaeological sites of Egypt,
teaching them history and archaeology directly from the monuments, a hands-on approach far distant
from the stuffy lecture hall. In this respect, he truly possessed “baraka” — He was inspiring, per-
meating young people with an understanding of the Pharaonic past. To see and hear Him was to wit-
ness the fervor of His brilliant eyes, sensitive hands and the deep wisdom of his straightforward lec-
turing style — the true quintessence of five millennia of the glorious culture of His ancestors, otherwise
much better attested on the monuments of Ancient Egypt than in present-day achievements.
Dr. Abu Al-Youn Barakat had one other characteristic that is seldom seen nowadays. He was
ready to witness the truth — MY at in the best sense of the term — even at his own expense. Firm in
his opinions and always one to defend them with true passion, He nonetheless remained open to the
arguments of the other side, quick to recognize their superiority, if he thought it right. This rare qual-
ity gave him unlimited authority among the Qurnawy people from the beginning of his work in the
Thebes district. He had come there as a young man and, as one born in Middle Egypt, a complete
“stranger” to this closed and set world, yet within a short time the word of “doktoor Abu” (as he was
called there) acquired a magical power and was sufficient to put an end to all animosities, some last-
ing for decades, among even the most prominent and impetuous members of the local community.
Dr. Abu Al-Youn Barakat did not attain any top posts in the officially recognized adminis-
trative hierarchy, yet that was never an objective with him. But in the hearts of those who were for-
tunate to know him — to meet him at the very least — He will occupy a forever hallowed place.
Without Him not just Egypt, but the world, will not be what it was. Let us be consoled, however
poor the consolation may be, that in the “OtherworldHe is surely following this “direct path" that
he had already taken during his lifetime, “the path of those whom the God hast blessed, not those
against whom He art wrathful nor of those who are astray” (Qur. I, 6-7).
Maciej Witkowski
