Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Polish Archaeology in the Mediterranean — 18.2006(2008)

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Godlewski, Włodzimierz; Czaja-Szewczak, Barbara: Cemetery C.1 in Naqlun Tomb C.T.5 and its cartonnages
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Th. 6 cm) and tombs C.T.2, C.T.7 and
C.T.201-202 (jarid panels Nd.06.292:
L. +1.16 m; W. 0.245 m; Th. 1.5 cm).

A board with the part under the head clearly
cut out has been found at the cemetery in
Bawit (C led at 1999: 188, Fig. 33).


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