Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Captain CopelancTs proposal that I should accompany
him to Malta, was at once removed. The Admiral
kindly promised that he would take care to furnish
me with the means of returning to Greece as soon as
I should wish.

I therefore went to Malta, and remained there
several weeks. My residence at La Valetta rendered
me as much Captain Copeland's debtor, for kindness
and hospitality while on shore, as I had been when at

Circumstances, which it is unnecessary here to state,
made me very anxious to return to England ; and it
was with extreme reluctance that I prepared to go
back to the East, even for the few months the result
of which is partly exhibited in these volumes. I felt,
however, bound at least to visit Crete. Had I not
done so, the greater part of a twelvemonth spent by
me in Greece and Turkey, would have led to no
useful or permanent result.

On the morning of Wednesday the 5th of February
1834, I left Malta, in the Hind Cutter, commanded by
Lieutenant Coleman, -who was under orders to land me
at Khania. Early the following Saturday, I saw the
blue mountain-tops of Greece, and, in the afternoon
of the same day, landed in Crete.