Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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ruins of gortyna. 297

coins of priansos.


hag hi us dheka. ampelussa. the ancient ampelos. the
modern ampelos. a sfakian distich. dibaki. klima.
apodhulo. cretan salutation. events at apodhulo. the
daughter of captain alexandhros, carried off as a slave
in 1821, and returns to crete in 1829, the wife of an
english gentleman. probable sites of psykhion and
sulia. monastery of asomatos.

March 30.

Yesterday afternoon I made a rapid survey of the
existing ruins of Gortyna, which have been described1,
as well as the cavern called 6 \a/3vpiv0os2, by most
travellers who have visited Crete. This morning was
very rainy, and it appeared pretty clear that nothing

1 Belon, Singularitez etc. Liv. r. ch. vi. fol. 8. Tournefort,
Voyage du Levant, Lettre n. pp. 58—64. Pococke, Description of the
East and some other countries, Vol. n. Part i. pp. 252—255. Savary,
Lettres sur la Grece, Lettre xxm. have all been more or less diffuse on
the subject.

2 See the last-cited authors, and Cockerell, in Walpole's Memoirs,
Vol. ii. pp.402—406. Sieber, Reise. Vol. i. pp. 510—520. and Professor
Hoeck's "Fuenfte Beylage: Das Labyrinth bey Gortyna," Kreta, Vol. i.
pp. 447—454.