Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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The power and importance of Cydonia, in all the
affairs of Crete, are made manifest by several passages
of Polybius and Strabo. At one time she carried on
hostilities, single-handed, against both Cnossos and
Gortyna37. The first engagement between the Cretans
under Lasthenes and Panares, and the Roman legions
under Metellus, was fought in the Cydonian district38.
The Romans were victorious, Metellus was saluted
Imperator, and laid siege to Cydonia39. Now the
ancient city, in all probability, obtained most of its
water from the same copious source as supplies the
modern town. Of this it must doubtless have been
deprived, on its investment by the Romans. Hence the
account given, of the sufferings from thirst of the be-
sieged Cretans, probably relates solely to the inhabitants
of Cydonia40.

Thus too, in modern times, the Greeks, immediately
on acquiring possession of the district round Khania,
cut off this supply of water, from want of which the
city, though peopled only by six or seven thousand
inhabitants, greatly suffered41.

37 Livy, xxxvii. 40. " Cydoniatae bellum adversus Gortynios Gnos-
siosque gerebant."

38 Appian, Cretica, Vol. 1. p. 99. ed. Schweigh. Kai vikS /nev 6 MeVeX-
Xoe ei> Kvdwvia Aaadivv. Cydonia is also first mentioned by Livy, Epit.
Lib. 98.

39 Phlegon, in Photius, Biblioth. Cod. 97- p- 84. Bekk. and the authors
last cited.

40 Valerius Maximus, vii. 6. Externa. "Cretensibus nihil tale prae-
sidii affulsit: qui obsidione Metelli ad ultimam usque penuriam compulsi,
sua jumentorumque suorum urina sitim torserunt, justius dixerim quam

41 Correspondance du Vice-Consul d'Autriche (Mons. D'Her-
culez,) Lettre du 31 Aout, 1821. " J'ai ete' victime de l'epidemie qui regne
dans la ville, depuis que les Grecs ont coupe l'eau, et que nous sommes reduits
a boire l'eau des puits, qui est salee." Again, under the date of 19 March,
1822: " Ces jours derniers les Grecs ont encore coupe les eaux de la ville—
trois cent insurge's ont mis en deroute mille deux cent Turcs, qui etaient sortis
de la ville pour proteger la reparation des aqueducs."

