Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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into the Turkish Tuzla~, the ground becomes a marsh,
and would be impassable but for the aid afforded us by
portions of an old paved road, doubtless the work of the
Venetians. The marsh is about three miles in circum-
ference, and is said to abound in snipes. After passing
the head of the bay we wound along the north-western
acclivity of Mount Malaxa3, and again found consider-
able remains of the Venetian paved way, which was in
fact our only road for nearly two miles; no labour seems
ever to have been bestowed on it since the Turks ob-
tained the island, so that it is, in general, a far worse
road than an unpaved path would be.

The rock of Sudha, which is a conspicuous object
during most of the ride, is said to have served as a
constant receptacle for corsairs, during the sixteenth
century4; and was also used as a landing place in
1571, by Turkish troops, some of whom ravaged the
territory of Khania, while others sacked and burnt the
town of Rhithymnos5. The Venetians therefore pru-
dently determined to fortify the islet6 ; and, in con-
sequence, retained it, with Spina Longa and the almost
impregnable castle of Grabusa, during many years after
the whole island of Crete had been acquired by the

The events which were caused by this hostile descent
on the district of Khania and the town of Rhithymnos,
serve to throw light on the the Venetian government
of the island.

The Greek peasants of the neighbourhood of Rhi-
thymnos supposed, at that time, that certain nobles were

2 Salt in Turkish is • }' tuz. The name, which has here usurped the

place of an Italian word, has elsewhere replaced an ancient Hellenic appel-
lation, as in the Troas: Leake, Tour in Asia Minor, p. 273. fol.

3 'H Ma\d£a.

4 Foscarini, Relatione ec, fol. 6. " Li anni addietro ricetto e nido di

5 Cornelius, Creta Sacra, Vol. n. p. 427- Foscarini, 1. c. and fol. 11.
"•Rettimo e del tutto rovinato dall' incendio che segui la passata guerra."

e' Foscarini, fol. 7-