Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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village of neokhorio.


sources, near the village of Stylo, seen a little to our
right at the foot of the White Mountains. The water of
these springs is said to be deliciously cold in the summer.
They are mentioned by Buondelmonti2. Hardly had we
reached the plain before my ignorant and stupid guide
lost the road, and in consequence we had to cross the
river, which winds considerably in the plain, no less than
three times, and, on the third occasion, the narrow stream
was so rapid, that a dog, by which I had long been ac-
companied, was carried down it much more than a hun-
dred yards, as he swam across. After traversing the
greater part of the plain, we arrived at the village of
Neokhorio, situated on a gentle ascent. Near it is a
lofty country house, which, I should suppose, must once
have belonged to a Venetian cavaliere. I found the
dhidhaskalos3 Anagnostes, and learnt from him that
there are other very considerable remains, consisting of
"great stones and marbles, just as at the Palaedkas-
tron near Sudha,-> at Haghios Mamas, on a hill about
two miles to the west of Neokhorio. I thought myself
fortunate in obtaining this information, especially since
I believed the word Apokc>rona to be a corruption of
Hippocorona or Hippocoronion, the name of an ancient
Cretan city. Strabo says: "Ida is the name of both
the Trojan and the Cretan mountain, and Dicte is a
place in Scepsia, and a mountain in Crete. And a peak
of Ida is called Pytna, whence the city Hierapytna ob-
tains its name : and there is a Hippocorona in the Adra-
myttene district, and Hippocoronion in Crete4." True it
is that most of the Cretan places mentioned are a good

2 Cornelius, Greta Sacra, i. p. 8. Post brevem viam planus est cum
Chilario flumine, qui per subterraneos meatus a Leuco monte devenit, et in
quodam rure Stilo nomine per multas cavernas frigidissimas exit.

3 'O SiSdo-KaXos, more commonly corrupted into 6 cda-KaXos.

4 Strabo, x. 472. "I<?rj yap to opo? to te Tpw'iKov Kal to Kp^tlkov
Kal Aiktjj tottos ev Trj SK^xpia /cat opos ev KpjjTT?. Ttji <5e "i5?)S Xocpos
JlvTva, d(p' oil 'lepcnrvTva ?; ttoXis. 'iTnroKopaivd T£ Trjs 'ASpapvTTijvii';

Kal 'iTTTTOKOptoVLOV €U KptJTJ?. 'Sap.COVI6V T£ to hwQlVOV aKpOOTljpiOV t^s Vl'](TOV

Kal irebiov ev Trj HieavSpiSi, Kal Ty 'AXe^avopewv.