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this city might have been supposed to be in this neigh-
bourhood, from the passages of Ptolemy and Pliny in
which it is mentioned. The former of those authors
places it at some distance to the west of Heracleion, and
in the latter1 s list it is found to the east of Rhithymna.
How a modern writer41 should refer to these passages
of Ptolemy and Pliny, and at the same time say that
" Panormos is Porto Panormo, near Mirabel", is, I
confess, to me difficult to understand. Mirabello, as
may be seen by looking at any map of Crete, is more
than twenty miles to the east of Karterd, which the
same author supposes to have been the site of Hera-
cleion, and is still further to the east of Megalo-Kastro,
if Heracleion was situated there. I wonder that Pro-
fessor Hoeck12 should not have seen that these pas-
sages, particularly that of Pliny43, can not be reconciled
with the supposition that Panormos stood where we now
find the principal city of the island44.

After halting a little while, to take a distant sketch of
'Axos and its neighbourhood, we go on ascending, on the

Cornaro — nobile Veneto, habitante nella citta di Candia metropoli del
regno." It appears to have been written early in the last century. At
p. 114. the author describes the siege by the Greeks under Leone Calergi,
in the year 1341, of Castle Mylopdtamo, " nel quale erano li Veneti per
defenderlo et opponersi al nemico : et quinci non longi in uno basso colle,
si descerne ancora le vestigie delta superba et bella citta di Panormo cost
sin hoggi detta.^ We are much obliged to the Cretan historian for taking
this step out of his way. The MS. No. 624. in this Correr Collection, is
a duplicate of the same work. I may add that Pococke, (Vol. n. Part ii.
p. 258.) following an old map, had rightly placed this site west of the cape of
the Holy Cross, and distant about eight miles from the village of Margarites.
We must not suppose from Cornaro's phrase, " le vestigie della bella et
superba citta, di Panormo," that the remains are very considerable. I find
them mentioned by Coronelli, Isolario, &c. No. 58. "Panormo di cui
si veggono tuttavia poche vestigie, sul promontorio dello stesso nome vicino
al castello Milopotamo."

41 Dr Cramer, Description of ancient Greece, Vol. hi. p. 394.

42 Hoeck's Kreta, Vol. i. p. 394.

43 Who, commencing with Phalasarna, enumerates all the principal cities
of the northern coast in the order in which we have already seen most of them
to have been situated.

44 The conjecture would hardly have required a notice, had it only been
made by Olivier, Voyage dans l'Empire Ottoman, Tom. n. p. 270.