Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of consideration, were presented to me : conserves were
afterwards handed round.

The Archbishop is a tall and handsome man: his
beard is long and his manner dignified. I had the
misfortune of finding out, before I left his Holiness,
that he is even more ignorant than is usually the case
with individuals of his profession in these parts of the
world. His Oekondmos however fully made up for
the deficiencies of his superior. While I remained at
the levee, several Greeks of the city came in to pay
their respects to the Archbishop. On approaching the
part of the divan, where he was seated, they touched the
ground with the right hand : after kissing his Holiness's
hand, they again touched the ground as before, while
they retreated towards the entrance of the apartment.

The Bishops of the Oriental church are sometimes
called Hierarchs, and sometimes High Priests1, but
more generally Despots. The latter lordly title they
have long enjoyed, not, like the Bishops of England,
in common with men, most of whom have greater for-
tunes and higher rank than their spiritual compeers,
but as the peculiar address to which the Episcopal
Dignitary is alone entitled. These Oriental ecclesiastics
have certainly outstepped their western brethren in
loud-sounding and pompous appellations, as much as
they have fallen short of them in the enjoyment of the
more substantial benefits both of a well-paid establish-
ment and of temporal power2. Every Greek Bishop,

1 A word in which Manias used to delight was 'Apxtepeus: he used it
constantly instead of AecnroT?js, when speaking of a bishop in the third

2 The reverend satirist, Skelton, thus addresses the Roman Catholic
prelates of his day :

Ye are so puffed wyth pryde
That no man may abide
Your high and lordly lokes —
Ye bryng all to nought,
And that is all your thought.
For the lordes temporall
Their rule is very small.
Almost nothing at al.