Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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athene tritogeneia.


The birth of Athene is nowhere described in the
Homeric poems; but later writers, for instance, Stesi-
chorus45, Hesiod46, the author of one of the Homeric
Hymns47, and Pindar18, sing of her springing all-armed
from the head of Zeus. This account of her birth has
also been made to supply an etymology of the word
Tritogeneia by Hesychius, Photius, Suidas, Eustathius49,
and other authors50, who tell us that an old word trito
meant a head.

Pallas, the youthful playmate of Athene, to whom
her name was afterwards applied, is said by Apollodorus
to have been the daughter of Triton51.

I staid some time in this village after descending
from the Rhdka. The inhabitants of these parts of
the island, where the Mohammedan population is nu-

the Morea, Vol. u. pp. 71—79. Another remarkable Tritonian lake existed
in Thrace, and is mentioned by Ovid, Met. xv. 356. Vibius Sequester,
de Flumin. p. 27. and Oberlinus, pp. 285-0. The name Triton was also
given to the Nile: see Pliny, N. H. v. 10. Lycophron, 119. and 576.
Scholiast on Apollonius Rhod. iv. 26. and Mueller, Orchom.
p. 356.

45 The Scholiast on Apoll. Rhod. iv. 1310. says, Hpu>Tos S-rno-i-
xo/Oos e(pr\ abv ottXoii e<c Trjs tov Aios KecpaXrjs dvcnni8?](jai ti]v 'A6i]vav,
so that he makes both Hesiod and the Homeric Hymnist, as Heyne has
observed, posterior to Stesichorus. See Kleine, on Stesich. Fr. lxxvi.
p. 127. 46 Hesiod, Theogon. 888.

47 The Hymn to Athene, v. 4.

TpiToyevrj, tjjV auTOS eyetvaTO p.i)TleTa Zeus
crep.vri's eK Ke<pa\f/?.

48 Pindar, 01. vn. 65.

49 Hesychius in TpiTw. Photius, in Lexic. p. 603. 16. ed. Porson.
Photius, like Suidas, has the form tp'itwv, not t/jitw, His words are fj kirel
TpiTwva ti)v k6(pa\i}u 'AQap.avei Xeyouac. Hesychius also attributes Tpi™
to the Athamanes. Suidas speaks of it as used by the Athenians. The
passage of Eustathius is on Homer, II. A. p. 504. 27- He assigns the
usage of the word TpLTco to the Cretans. Again on II. 9. p. 696. 37- he
says, TpiTW yap, (patri, Kara yXaxriiav KpijTwv i) KefpaXt).

80 Collected by Vossius and Alberti, on Hesychius, (Tom. n.
pp. 1421-2. ed. Albert.) to whose examples may be added Tzetzes, on
Lycophron, 519. (see Mueller, Orchom. p. 355.) and Diaconus, on Hesiod's
Theogony, v. 886. seqq. in Poet. G-raec. Min. Tom. in. p. 491. ed. Gaisf.

51 Apollodorus, hi. 12. 3. and Heyne, Not. p. 757. Eustathius,
on Odyss. M. p. 1714. mentions Triton as the father of Scylla,