Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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entrance of the cavern.


close together in such a way that they leave only a
narrow passage through them, although the cavern is
so lofty and spacious around us on every side.

A few paces more, after we had squeezed through
the pass, brought us to a change in the direction of the
cavern, and we again saw the blessed light of heaven.
The perpendicular rocks, up which we had clambered
on leaving the entrance-cavern, were only fifty feet from
us: we gladly put out our disgusting torches, bade
adieu to the recesses of the cave, and effected our de-
scent, of about eighteen feet, over the rugged rocks in
question. Only one person at a time can clamber either
up or down this place, and it therefore follows, that
the Christians of the neighbourhood, whenever they
took refuge within the cavern, felt themselves to be
lodged within an impregnable fortress. A single man,
with a long pike, might alone have defended the pass.

The diameter of this entrance-cavern, within which
this perpendicular ascent, is found, is about thirty feet:
the rocks, however, retire on every side as they rise
from the ground; and thus they form a very ample
canopy over head.

Near the mouth of the cavern are the walls of
many cottages, which were erected and occupied by the
Christians of Sarko during the war. The proximity
of Sarko to the principal city exposed its inhabitants
to an unexpected attack of the Turks at any moment;
and they thus lived, for a long time, at the very entrance
of their impregnable fortress.

Early in November 1822 the three Pashas of Crete,
Lutfla-pasha of Khania, Osman-pasha of Rhithymnos,
and the Seraskier of the whole island, Sherif-pasha of
Megalo-Kastron, were encamped in the villages near
Sarko. Khassan-pasha, the general of the Albanian
forces sent by Mehmet-Ali, was also co-operating with
them, his head-quarters being at Venerato. Osman-
pasha and Lutfla-pasha entered Sarko with a few hun-
dred Cretan Musulmans, and many of the unarmed