Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of the Christian population, he had arrived at manhood,
and, fleeing from his Mohammedan master, joined his
correligionaries in their struggle1.

There are only two women out of the whole female
population of Rhogdhia, who were not enslaved by the
Mohammedans. Parties used to issue out of Megalo-
Kastron, and to carry off five, ten, or twenty women
at a time. The slave-market of Alexandria was the
destination of many of them. The last return of any
of these unfortunate women to their native land took
place nearly a year ago. Two then came back from
Egypt, where many still remain in bondage.

Rhogdhia formerly contained nearly eighty families:
there are now only twenty-five. The houses of the
present Rhogdhians are all of recent construction, their
old habitations having been entirely destroyed by the

A descent of about half an hour from this pic-
turesque village brings us to the ruins of a Venetian
fortress called Palaedkastron, and situated near the sea-
side, to the west of Rhogdhia. I believe Palaedkastron
to be the site not only of a Venetian castle, but of an
ancient city.

Cytaeum is mentioned by Pliny2, who places it be-
tween Panormus and Apollonia, by Ptolemy3, and by
Stephanus of Byzantium4. The poet Nonnus has also
noticed it5. It appears clear that Pliny's list is more
correct than Ptolemy's, in our present editions of him,
on this part of the coast. We have already seen where
Panormos was situated6; and I suppose this Palaed-

1 "Ecpevya Kal kivrjpa to TOVfpeKL /jlov.

2 Pliny, N. H. iv. 20. 3 Ptolemy, Geograph. in. 17.

, 4 Stephanus Byzant. v. Kiira—e<n-i ko1 Kuxaioi/ ttoXis KptjT/js.

5 Nonnus, xiii. 237. Kat aWea xa\d Kuto'lov, an extraordinary usage
of the plural. I should like to find Kai. dXaea KaXd KuTaiov : compare
v. 288. of the same book, where the true reading is doubtless Kat dXaea
KaXd AvKaiov, and where the corruption has seized not on dXaea as in the
first passage, but on Avxaiov, which has given way to KvTaiov.

6 Above, pp. 157-158.