Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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likelihood, Dionysos and the sons of Aloeus were trans-
ferred at the same time from Naxos to Crete43.

We learn from Eratosthenes44, that when the youth-
ful Zeus was closely pursued by Kronos, he fled from
Crete, and took up his abode at Naxos, where he dwelt
until he obtained the empire of Heaven. The well-known
story of Theseus and Ariadne is also of importance as
shewing the closeness of this connexion between the two

Opheltes, who somewhat resembles Ephialtes in name,
is one of the Cretan chieftains mentioned by the Pano-
politan poet as having fallen, under the spear of the
celebrated Deriades, in Dionysos's Indian expedition40.
The bones of Arestor's son were, however, restored by
Asterios to his native land, where a lofty monument was
constructed over them by the Corybantes47. According
to the poet, the name and country of Opheltes were
recorded in the inscription,

Cnossian Opheltes here a corpse is laid,
In India's war who gave to Bromios aid.

But it is time to return from these ancient myths
and legends to the examination of more material objects.

43 See Hoeck's Kreta, Vol. in. p. 179.

44 Eratosthenes, Catasterism. 30. He relates the story on the authority
of Aglaosthenes in his Naxica. See also Catasterism. n. 2, from which it
appears that this supposed flight took place while he was still an infant.

45 See Hoeck's Kreta, Vol. n. p. 150.

46 Nonsus, Dionys. xxxn. 185.

Tts ddve, Tts &o{nri]crev vtt' eyyei Ai)pLao?]OS ;
At/3i'aXo9, Gua/iis Te, Kal 'Oppevws Kal '0^>eX.Ti/s,

47 Nonnus, 1. c. xxxvii. 91.

'A(TTepio<s Si
otTTea <riA\e£cts, KeKaXvppeva 0L7rXaKL oi)/xoj,
es yj>vcrei)v <pidXi]v KaTeQi']KaTO Xeixjsava veKpou.
Kal TpoyaXol KopvfiavTes, eirei Xd-^ov evSiov "I5)js,
TupfSov eTopvtocravTO-

Kal kovlv 66ve'u]v TrvpaTiju kireyevav 'O0t'A.Ti7,

Kal Tatpov alirvTepoLaiv dveaTi']cravTO oopaioi's,

tolov iirLypd\j/avTe<z eiroi veoirevQei Tvp(3w'

Ne/c|Oos 'ApejTop/otjs pivv w p io<$ evdaoe keithi,

K ycoo-ctos, 'lv&0(p6vos, Jipoplov rrvvdedXov, 'OiJie\t!| s,