Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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heard the call to the mosque1, and the assurance that
" prayer is better than sleep2."

For the purpose of summoning the congregation to
church, bells were in use among the Greeks in the
eleventh century3, and among the Latins at a more
remote period, perhaps even in the age of Justinian1:
but the earlier practice of the Christians, of both
churches, was to use long boards which were struck
with an iron rod or hammer5. They were called by the
same name as was afterwards applied to bells'5. These
long boards were in common use, among the Syrian and
Arabian Christians, in the time of the Prophet, and were

1 Djiami, the Turkish name by which the mosque is known and hated
by the Greeks.

2 Since the above was written I have found that Von Hammer bears testi-
mony to the effect of the summons to prayer when thus pronounced: " Die
feyerlichste Wirkung desselben auf Ohr und Sinn bringt derselbe (Gebeth-
ausruf) hervor, wenn er durch das Schweigen der Nacht, und durch die
Strahlen des Fruehroths hervorbricht, wenn den Erwachenden der harmo-
nische Zuruf Ahsen es-Salat minen-Naum, das Gebeth ist besser als der
Schlaf, in die Ohren toent, und die erste Morgenroethe freundlich durch
die Fenster blinkt." Von Hammer, Staatsverwaltung des Osmanischen
Reiches, p. 396.

3 Du Cange, Glossar. Graec. p. 774.

4 Du Cange, Glossar. med. et inf. Latin, v. Nolarium. Reiske, on
Constantine Porphyrogenitus, p. 170, 12. ed. Bonn. 1830. (100. C. ed. L.)

5 Du Cange, v. "2r)p.elov. Muratori, Antiquitates Italicae, Diss.
xxxiii. v. Tempella. Constantine Porphyrogenitus, p. 334, 1.
(p. 194, C. 12. ed. L.) Tou oe £v\ov aiifjiaivovTos tj/s dy'ias e/c«A.r)(Ttas eyei-
povTdL K.ai aTvepyovrai eis Tr\v £KKkii<7Lav. reiske, 1. c. On the use of
three bells, in the churches of monasteries, Theodore, patriarch of Antioch,
has written a treatise : see Lambecius, Comment, de Biblioth. Vindob.
Lib. viii. p. 993. ed. Kollar. Vindob. 1782, where its title is given: Tov
dyiwTarov Tlatpidpyov 'KvTioyeia-s Kvpou Qeoooopov peXeri), ydpLV T'/s e'?
tous Qe'iovi vaovs twk povao-Tifpioiv yivo/xevi^ p.£Ta.K\rjaews 8i.d aiipaoTi\pmv


6 ^jxdvTpa- see Reiske, I.e. Koray, ATAKTA, Vol. iv. p. 490.
v. ^'ipaufxa. One of the many songs with which Captain Manias used to
while away the time as we travelled, began thus:

Mta KvpiaKy'w r\p.epa

KaL ryrovi Kid XafXTrpr'i,
Ttt cri]p.dvTpa KTViri)(rav

£15 tov dyiov KoxTTafTi.