Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Pashley, Robert
Travels in Crete (Band 1) — Cambridge und London, 1837

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departure from viano.


adopted by him along with other Christian practices;
but soon became so displeasing to many of his fol-
lowers, that he appointed the mode of summoning which
awakened us this morning, and which is still observed,
in order to convene the true believers, in every Moham-
medan house of prayer7.

I rose at the summons of the Muezin, and started
by sunrise to visit the old Venetian or Genoese castle
which we had passed yesterday. About a mile on this
side of it, a rocky ridge running east and west would
convert the plain to the north of it towards Viano into
a lake, were there not a perpendicular cleft in the rocks,
through which, as at Arvi, the river flows. I had heard
of a fine and extensive cavern to be seen in the eastern
side of the mountain, on the summit of which the Vene-
tian fort, Kastel-keraton, is built; and I should have
been glad to have explored its recesses and to have ad-
mired its beauty. But it seemed impossible to visit it
without sacrificing the whole day to that single object;
and, therefore, after enjoying the fine prospect from
Kastel-keraton, I returned straight to Viano, obtained
some breakfast, and, at one o'clock, started on my journey
towards the great Gortynian plain.

Our path led us over the mountains to the west of
Viano, and we had to face a bitterly cold westerly wind

7 "E Tebrizio ad Hamasam porro intelligimus, ipsum Muhammedem,
qui instituta quam plurima a Christianis Syris et Arabicis assumsit, prius
Nacuso (Nakus is the Arabic word used to denote the aijfiavrpov, as in
the verse of the Arabian poet Gerir, quoted by Reiske, expergefacit me
cantus gallorum, et pulsatw Nakusorum) fuisse usum, donee videns suis
morem Christianum ex odio religionis displicere, praecones illos institueret,
qui clara voce precum tempora e turribus significarent. Verba ejus in ultimo

Hamasae fine haec sunt: cjlsjJJ jCjLzaN <D L-ljJii

*U*M JoJ ^ AW JOC cs\j L5Xs- Fuit igitur

ille mos jam ante Muhammedem; quod etiam e superius citato auctore de
miraculis S. Athanasii constaret, si spurius non esset." Reiske, on the Cere-
monies of Constantine Porphyrogenitus, 1. c.
