Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Amari is Haghio Galene, which is somewhat to the
eastward of Apodhulo, and is probably the site of the
ancient Sulia or Sulena, recorded by the author of the
Stadiasmus12, as a promontory where there was a harbour
and good water. It was sixty-five stades from Matala.
Psychion, a city mentioned by Stephanus13, and fixed
by Ptolemy14 between Phoenix and Matalia, is placed
by the Stadiasmus15 twelve stades to the west of Sulia,
a distance which agrees very well with the situation of

In half an hour after leaving Apodhulo, Nithavri is
on our right, on the side of Pselorites, and about half
a mile off. We now descend for about twenty minutes,
and then cross a torrent which flows from Pselorites to
the south coast. Before reaching the summit of the
ascent on the opposite side I saw to some distance down
this valley, and observed that, lower down, the river
passes through a perpendicular cleft in the rocks. After
an ascent of nearly half an hour, along parts of which,
as well as in the previous descent, considerable remains
of a Venetian paved road still exist, we see spread out
before us the fine valley of Asdmatos. On the left side
of it are the villages of Andmeros, Vrysis and Monas-
teraki: to the right, just before us, is Vasari, and, on
a hill, Furfuras, which is about six hundred paces
beyond Visari. These villages are surrounded with
olive-trees, as at lower elevations. Furfuras was the
scene of a considerable engagement between the Greeks
and Turks, during the first year of the war. We
reached the summit at ten minutes past six; and, after
traversing the valley till a little before seven, we dis-
cerned to our left some cypress-trees and parts of a white

12 Anonymi Stadiasmus, in Geograph. Graec. Min. i. n. p. 495.
ed. Gail. 'Airo MaTaXijs eh SouAtaf <yrdS. £e. dupuiTi'ipiov eaTiv dveyov
777105 p.ear\p.fipiav' \ifxt\v ecrTt* tiakov vHusp eyei.

13 stephanus BYZ. ^u-^iov, T07ros Kpr/T7js, ev w 7r6\i<s rjv butivvp.o'i,

14 Ptolemy, p. 31. 15 Stadiasmus, 1. c.