Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Payne, Humfry
Necrocorinthia: a study of Corinthian art in the Archaic period — Oxford, 1931

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A. Small vases. Very few of these belong to the late
Corinthian period; cf. supra, p. 303. On the mouth
and base concentric circles, as usual at this time.
Characteristic of this group and of the next (1205 ff.)
are the several carelessly drawn horizontal bands
which bound the picture: contrast pi. 17.
1200 New York GR 501, bought at Brindisi (Handbook
1917. 48). Fig. 159. The blinding of Polyphemus.
The paint has flaked off over the eye.

Fig. 159. No. 1200.

1201 Berlin 4513. Rider drawn in outline. Berlin 3394.

1202 Two figures, one in outline; between, a tree ? Berlin

1203 4285 (v. Hoorn, de Vita atque Cultu Puerorum, 33,
fig. 12; Pfuhl fig. 172; A.M. 1916, 180). Scene in
the home: woman with a child on her lap; in front,
woman spinning, and siren; behind, another

1204 seated woman. Cf. the pyxis no. 878. Bale 1906.
251, from Camirus (Zervos, Rhodes 139, fig. 326).
Siren. There are several similar vases in the Louvre,

1204a from Rhodes: A 458-61. Brussels (not in
C.V.A. fasc. I). PI. 36, 7. Cock; man running.

B. Large alabastra. An idea of the style, which is
clearly related to that of the animal friezes on large
red-ground vases, can be gained from pi. 36.
Patterns as before, except in no. 1225. Thin f.o. of
rosettes, blobs, and small dots.

1205 Thebes, from Rhitsona tomb 86 (cf. p. 60). Cocks.

1206 A somewhat similar vase is in the Hermitage (inv.

1207 2132). Athens 920 (C.C. 509), from Tanagra. Siren.

1208 921 is a replica. Athens 324 (C.C. 505), from the
Ceramicus. Sphinxes. Nauplia 18 is a replica.

1209 Dresden Z.V. 1673, from Laurion, also with

1210 sphinxes, belongs to the same group. Athens 291
(C.C. 503, pi. 22), from Thebes. Double bodied

1211 panther-bird. Athens 294 (C.C. 501). On mouth,
tongues. Snake with bird's head between swans.

550 B.C.

Athens 295 (C.C. 502). Floral ornament (type fig. 1213

57), man killing snake. Winchester. PI. 36, 10. 1214

Griffon-bird. Similar, Hermitage inv. 2629 a (pi. 1215

36, 9); Athens 293; Thebes, from Rhitsona tomb 1216, 7

86 (cf. p. 60); another, from the same tomb, with 1217 a

griffons; another with lions. No. 795 and ff. are the 1217 b

prototypes of these vases. Winchester. Frontal 1218
bull's head. Cf. Mon. Ant. xxii, 473 fig. 175; similar,

Brussels, C.V.A. pi. 2,14. Munich 291 (S.H. pi. 9; 12x9,20

Pfuhl fig. 68). Lotus ornament. Similar: Athens 1221

292 (C.C. 507), from Boeotia. Cf. also Thebes, 1222

from Rhitsona tomb 50 (p. 60); Vente Drouot 1223

1910, 132 pi. 17. Leipzig 997, from Trianti 1224
(Rhodes). Palmette complex (for the type cf. fig.

59 b), and eagle. Berlin 1001 from Corinth. 1224 a
PI. 36, 3. Winged lion.

More careful versions of the same style.

New York, Gallatin Coll. PI. 36,12 (CVA.pl. 2,8). 1225
Circles and 'rays' on mouth and base; I doubt the
white slip mentioned in the publication. Leipzig 1225 a
381. As last, but tongues on mouth. Athens 12279. I22^
Exactly as last, but concentric circles on mouth and
base. New York, Gallatin Coll. PI. 36, 8 (C.V.A. 1227
pi. 2, 7). Lions.

Large vases with more than one frieze. On mouth C.

and base, tongues. Usually several horizontal lines

bound the friezes. Probably late Corinthian.

Athens 290 (C.C. 510), from Tanagra. Four friezes 1228

of warriors; in field, dotted circles and palmettes.

Delos (Dugas pi. 31, 457 and 458). Two friezes of 1229, 30

warriors. In field, dots and dot rosettes. Similar to

the latter, New York 06. 1021. 19 and British 1231,2

Museum A 1020.

Very rough style, usually with little or no filling
ornament. On the mouth and base, broad and
narrow concentric circles, occasionally tongues as in
earlier periods; there are usually several bounding
lines above and below the main picture.

With animals &c.: mostly sirens, panthers, and goats. A.
Thebes, from Rhitsona tomb 86 (c. 580-70 b.c.: 1233
cf. p. 60); many examples. Delos (Dugas pi. 24, 1234-8 a
256, 268-70, 272, 3); Lausanne, from Rhodes 1239
(Zervos, Rhodes, 42 fig. 65); Paris, Cab. Med., 1240
from Camirus (C.V.A. pi. 13, 25); Copenhagen 1241-3
(C.V.A. pi. 87, 5, 8, 9); Louvre A 444, from 1243 a
Rhodes (Pottier pi. 15); two dolphins. Athens (?), 1243 b
from Calauria (A.M. 1895, 321 fig. 37); siren (cf.