Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Peacham, Henry
The compleat gentleman : fashioning him absolute in the most necessary and commendable qualities, concerning mind, or body, that may be required in a person of honor. To which is added the gentlemans exercise or, an exquisite practise, as well for drawing all manner of beasts, as for making colours, to be used in painting, limming, &c — London, 1661

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Of Mnsick-
Creator 5 to solace him in the midst of so many Ibr-
rowes and cares, wherewith life is hourly beset: and
that by long, as by letters, the memory of Doftiine,
and the benesits of God might be for ever preserred
( as we are taught by that Song of Moses, and those
divine Psalms of thesweet Singer of Israel, who with
his <*PsaItery so lowdly resounded the Mysteries and
innumerable benefits of the Almighty Creator ) and
the serviceos God advanced, as we may find in 2 Sa-
ntticl 6.vers. 5* Pfahn 33. 21*43. and\\, 108. 3. And
in sundry other places of Scripture, which for brevi-
ty I omit.
But, lay our Seftaries, the service of God is nothing
advanced by singing and instruments, as we use it in
Cathedrall Churches , thatisj by cc Antiphony , Rests,
Repetitions^ Variety of Moodes and Proportions, with
the like.
For the first: that it is not contrary, but consonant
to the Word of God , so in singing to answer either;
the pra&ice of Miriam the Prophetess, and siller of Mo-
st', when (he ansvvered the men in hersong, will ap-
prove. For repetition, nothing was more usuall in the
finging of the Lwites, and among the Pjalms of David,
the 136. is wholly compounded of those two most
gracefull andsweet figures of Repetition, SympUce,
and Anaphora,
For Resting and Proportions, the nature of the He-
brew vejse, as the meanest Hebrician knoweth, consi-
ning miny times of uneven feet, goingsometime in
this number, sometinsfcs in that: one while (as S,
Jerome saith ) in the numbers of Sappho', another while
os Alcgur, doth of necesiity require it: and wherein
doth our prastice of singing and playing with Instru-
ments in his Majestie’s Chappell, and our Cathedrall
Churches, differ from the practice os David, the
Priep and Levites ? Do we not maks one sign in prai-
sing and thanking God , with voyces and instruments os
ail sorts ? Donee (as S, Jerome saith ) reboet laqucar
O tempi i;


Bext 3 a.
a Ic was an in-
strumenc three
square, of 7 a.
sirings, of ia*.

Answrering one
another in the

Chron. i. cap.s.
versyz, & 13,