Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Pendlebury, John D.
Aegyptiaca: a catalogue of Egyptian objects in the Aegean area — Cambridge, 1930

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Lastly there are maps, showing the distribution of objects from Egypt in the Aegean,
and of objects from the Aegean in Egypt, and an index referring to the text apart from
the catalogue.

References have been made as far as possible to works which contain an illustration
as well as to the original publication. For my own illustrations I must thank Sir
Arthur Evans for permission to use four of the photographs on Plate II (Nos. 25, 26,
28, 30), the British Museum for No. 226 on Plate III and the Fitzwilliam Museum,
Cambridge, for No. 227 on the same plate. The rest are of my own taking, except that
of the statuette of User on Plate II and the ivory statuettes from Palaikastro on Plate III,
both of which were kindly taken for me in my absence by Mr H. G. G. Payne. The
drawings in the text are the work of my wife.

In conclusion I wish to thank Mr A. J. B. Wace for suggesting the task and for
much invaluable help; Sir Arthur Evans for his hospitality and generous advice when
I have been in Crete; Dr H. R. Hall who has kindly read through my work and
corrected it in many places; Dr H. Frankfort who introduced me to the practical side
of Egyptology and Mr S. R. K. Glanville who has often assisted me in my varied
problems; while but for Mr C. T. Seltman I should long ago have despaired of my task.

Also I would like to say how much I appreciate the kindness of Dr Castriotis and the
late Dr Xanthoudides in Athens and Candia respectively; and last, but not least, my
admiration and thanks are due to the untiring " Phylakes " of many a country and island
museum for the long hours they have spent uncomplainingly holding open cases.

J. D. S. P.

