Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ayrton, Edward R.; Weigall, Arthur Edward Pearse Brome; Petrie, William M. Flinders
Abydos: Part III: 1904 — London, 1904

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" Now it came to pass that his Majesty sat in
the zadu-hall,1 even the king of Upper and
Lower Egypt, Nebpehtira, the son of Ra,
Aahmes, gifted with life, and the princess, great
of favours, great of charm, the king's daughter,
the king's sister, wife of the god, great wife of
the king, Aahmes Nefertari, who liveth, was in
the presence of his Majesty. And the one
spoke unto the other, seeking the welfare of the
departed dead2; (which is) the pouring of water,
the making of oblations upon the altar, and the
enriching of the stele at the beginning of every
season, at the feast of the New Moon,3 at the
feast of the Month, the feast of the going forth
of the $em-priest,4, the feast (called) Ceremonies
of the Night, (which is) the feast of the • 5th
day, the feast of the 6th day, the feast of
Hak<er>, the feast of Uag, the feast of Thoth,
and the beginning of every season of heaven
and of earth.

" Then spoke his sister, she made answer unto
him. 'Wherefore have these things been
recalled ? To what end hath this matter
been related ? What (thought) is come to
thy heart ? '

" The king himself, he said to her, ' I, even I,
have bethought me of the mother of my mother,

1 A hall of the palace ; we often read of Pharaoh as
sitting there with his courtiers.

3 "Those yonder," a periphrasis for the dead, —n—.
is written for /www, from the hieratic stroke with the
point above it.

r~i /wwv\

3 —h— £-. gives for the first time the reading of
the feast usually written ^ ^E? •


4 Celebrated on the 4th day of the month.

the mother of my father, the great Avife of the
king, the mother of the king, Teta-shera, the
deceased. Her chamber and her sepulchre are
at this present time upon the soil of 'the
Theban and the Thinite nomes.5 This have I
said unto thee, for my Majesty hath desired to
let make for her a pyramid and a chapel in the
Sacred Land, as a memorial-presentation of my
Majesty0; its lake being dug, its trees being
planted, and its offerings being instituted;
equipped with people, furnished7 with lands,
endowed with cattle; Z:a-priests and lectors
(engaged) in their duties, every man knowing
his instructions.'

" While yet his Majesty spoke this word, these
buildings were carried out with good speed.8
His Majesty did this, inasmuch as he loved her
beyond anything. Never9 had the ancestral kings
performed the like thereof for their mothers.
Then his Majesty thrust forth his arm, and
bent his hand, and made for her a Royal Obla-
tion, and an oblation of Geb, and the [greater]10

ennead, and the lesser ennead..........

.......and of [Anubis] in the Divine Booth,

thousands of bread, beer, oxen, geese, iraa-cattle
.........[for the Queen Teta-shera.]

5 This obscure sentence can hardly be translated
otherwise : its meaning has been discussed above.

0 Lit: "with the presenting (?) of monuments of my
Majesty." The expression appears very unusual.

7 Lit : " yoked."

8 This is a paraphrase. I have to thank Professor
Beman for what is doubtless the correct literal trans-
lation of the words :—" Behold, his Majesty spoke this
word, while these things were built with action,"


for ^ju


doubtless omitted.