Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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1 cm

Aahmes, sanctuary of, 39
sealing of, 42
stamp of, 43

Accuracy of granite sarcophagus, 16

Adze of Mer-hez-Sneferu, 43

Agathodaimon, with serpent's tail, 45

Alabaster vases, 6, 27, 37

Alliance, sealing of, 42

Altar of Sezefu, 6, 28
Greek, 44

Amasis, sanctuary of, 39

Amenhotep III, sanctuary of, 39

Amen-mes, figure of, 39

Amulets, 41

Apis heads, pottery, 45

Approach to pyramid, 2, 6-8

form of, 7
filling of, 7
history of, 7, 8

Apries palace, quarry marks, 9
see Palace

Aramaic labels, 41

Arrowheads, 41, 45

Asiatic Nature-goddess, 43

Basalt figures, 39

Basket burials, 30, 31, 32, 33

Beads, 22, 37, 41

Bones, fractured, 29

Bow in case, of Euxine, 42

Box coffins, 28-30

Brick for a pillow, 29

Bricks, sizes of, 17, 22

Bronze arm with ankh, 45

arrowheads, 45

door-hinge, from palace, 40

figures in wall, 40

fish-hook, 45

jug-handle, 45

Bronze lamp, 45

ring cast hollow, 45
Bull's eye of ivory, 41
Burial, absent from tomb, 27

classes of, 29, 30

direction of, 6, 30, 36

in north peribolus tomb, 12

in northern tombs, 28-35

in baskets, 30

in boxes, 30

in pan, 32

positions of, 29

table of, 30
Burnt house with bronze fittings, 44

A, B, and C, 45
Bushe-Fox, Mr., I, 40

Calf, wooden, 36

Camel head, figure of, 45

Capital of limestone, 44

Captives on seal, 43

Cat, pottery, 45

Cemetery boundary wall, 2, 8

southern, 6
Charm-figures walled up, 40
Cists in floors of tombs, 26
Clothing in iiird dynasty, 29
Coins in burnt houses, 45
Copper adze of iiird dynasty, 43

bowl, 10

knife, 39

models of axes, 4
Coral and gold necklace, 44
Cowley, Mr. A., 41
Cubit lengths, 17, 21
Cup, lotus, 37
Cypraea shell, 41

Dates of quarry marks, 9
