Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Petrie, William M. Flinders; Brunton, Guy
Sedment (Band 2) — London, 1924

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In tomb 240, there was found an ebony girdle
tie of Isis, thet, inscribed for “the Osiris, ruler of
the city, vezier, Pa-ra-hetep.”

58. The named objects from this tomb, in the
order of this description, are

Pa-ra-hetep. 51, sarcophagus; 55, basalt stele;
57, relief figure; 57, canopic jar; 57, ushabti;
57, thet tie.

Rahetep. 51, sarcophagus; 51, base of statue;
52, limestone columns; 54, lintel; 54, scene with
Thoth and Osiris; 54, jamb of Nebhetep; 54, granite
altar; 56, granite shrine; 57, base of statue; 57,
Nebuhetep stele.

There has been a supposition that these two
veziers were only names for one person (Rec. xxxii,
35). They are, however, neatly separated on one
statue; on one side is the address by Rahetep;
at the end of that, “ The vezier Pa-ra-hetep, who
is as a god, says,” and there follows the address by
Pa-ra-hetep on the other side. He is thus distinctly
among the gods, and the address is posthumous
piety,—prayers by the dead (Abydos II, 45 ;
pi. xxxvii).

This great family, including the high-priest of
Osiris Unnefer, has been partly set out in the
Student’s History II, go. There is much fresh
material, and it is so complicated by repetitions
of names that a complete working out of the
genealogies from all sources is now required. The
basalt stele was kept at Cairo Museum, but all the
other objects of tomb 201 which were removed,
are at Chicago.



By Guy Brunton.

59. Of the XIXth dynasty were the two huge
pits which formed the nucleus of our camp. Each
took many days and a large number of men to
clear, but the results were disappointing. These
pits are not on the detailed plans as they lie
between the cemeteries B, C and E.

Their size was chiefly due to the edges having
fallen in continually, in the past, thus forming
large craters. The shaft of 1955, over 24 feet deep,
led into a large room on the north, or rather north-
west (actual bearing 340°). Out of this, on the
north, opened two smaller rooms, with floors at
a rather higher level. In the south-east corner was
a trench, roughly cut, about 70X110 inches, and


4 feet deep, containing the white limestone sarco-
phagus, inscribed for the /?<3-prince Menna ofHenen-
nysut. The two coffins had been of wood, painted
black, inscribed in yellow, but the whole burial
had been burnt, and but little remained. All that
the robbers had left were a few of the blue glass
drop beads, well known at this time, and some
pieces of the painted gods from an openwork
cartonnage. Very little remained in the room,
and what there was included rubbish left by the
tomb-makers and undertakers. There were two
wooden ushabtis, black with yellow hieroglyphs,
unreadable; part of a red sandstone ushabti of
Kha-em-uas (pi. lxvi, 14); seven sticks of various
lengths, some bound with rush (from furniture ?);
and several scraps of painted wood. From here
also came a large jar containing pitch (pi. lxv, 49 D)
inscribed on the shoulder in hieratic (pi. lxvi, 16);
a broken pot containing plaster; a few sherds; two
rough tool-handles; a little broom of bound twigs;
and much broken limestone.

Between the sarcophagus and the east wall, how-
ever, we found the toilet basket, which had escaped
the eyes of the robbers. This was rectangular and
made of reeds, with a separate lining of papyrus;
both baskets had lids. Inside were five divisions,
one across the end, with the remaining space divided
equally into four squares. The papyrus was in a
completely rotten state, and the floors had all fallen
through. Division 1 contained, on the top, a little
leather bag (for eye paint?); four reed kohl tubes,
three being faintly inscribed, and two with linen
plugs; also a haematite kohl stick with bronze
handle. Underneath was the fine carved cylindrical
toilet box, shown in all its details on pi. lviii, 47:
some of the divisions still contained traces of
smeared cosmetic or unguent. Under the toilet
box was the unusual wooden comb with long
handle (pi. lxvi, i3), and the triangular whetstone
lxvi, 15. In division 2 was the handled pot, pi. lxv,
61K, much decayed; a bronze pin or needle wound
with thread; a linen bag, and some loose anti-
mony (?). Division 3 was empty, and 4 only con-
tained a few kernels of some fruit or nuts. 5 had,
on top, the wooden bowl with carved handle
(pi. lxvi, 12), and, beneath, the false-necked vase
with tall foot (pi. lxv, 97 C). Though at first sight
the carving on the toilet box suggests the end of
the XVIIIth dynasty, we know such were in use
in the XIXth, as a scarab of Ramessu II was
found with one at Ghurob. This then agrees with
