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Instytut Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Editor]; Zakład Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Editor]
Porta Aurea: Rocznik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego — 21.2022

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Artykuły / Artikel / Articles
DOI article:
Girsztowt, Aleksandra: The book collection of the Loitz family in the Elbląg library: Current State of research, overview of the collection, and a supplement to the list of prints
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in Gdańsk, took possession of his brother’s collection. In 1624, in turn, Stephan s
son Heinrich inherited the books that had hitherto been in his uncle’s hands.6
The entire Loitz family collection as recorded in the inventory does not
evince any clear fields of interest. Among the 250 titles listed, and the 118 that
have survived to this day, there are works from the field broadly classified as
theology. Among the extant books are the polemical works of Piotr Skarga,7
whom Stefan Loitz knew personally (fig. 2);8 works by Stanislaw Grodzicki,9
Martin Luther,10 Philip Melanchthon,11 and John Calvin;12 and numerous bibli-
cal commentaries, both Protestant13 and Catholic.14 Only one of the Bibles col-
lected by the Loitz family, a volume published in Venice in 1474, was included
in the donation.15 The overall range of theological literature it encompassed was
wide, and covered patrology,16 dogmatics, and ecclesiastics. There are also two
hagiographic volumes in this collection: The Golden Legend of Jacob de Voragine
(Dresdae / Lipsiae 1479, ref. Inc. 35) and a life of St Paul the Apostle. The lit-
erature on the Lutheran confession was most widely represented; there was also
a lesser amount of works on the Calvinist, Arian, and Catholic denominations.
In addition to theological literature, the preserved collection of the Loitz
family also includes works from the humanities, among them the very popular
Courtier by Bernardo Castiglione,17 much translated and frequently adapted
to reflect local conditions, and works by Giovanni Pontano.18
The Loitzes also collected literature connected with history, though to a lesser
extent. They set particular store by the history of the lands in which they lived,
holding works on the history of Prussia, including Kurtze und warhafftige
6 Jerzy Lassota, Zarys dziejów Biblioteki Elbląskiej (1601-1945), “Rocznik Elbląski” 1961,
t. 1, pp. 105-106; Filipkowska, Stefan i Szymon..., pp. 19-22; Friedrich Schwarz, Loitz Michael
[in:] Altpreußische Biographie, Bd. 1, Hg. Christian Krollmann, Marburg 1974, p. 406; Sekulski,
Biblioteka Gimnazjum..., p. 26.
7 Piotr Skarga, Zawstydzenie Arianow, y wzywanie do pokuty y wiary chrześciańskiey,
Kraków 1604, ref. SD.XVII.79.
8 Sekulski, Książka..., p. 33; Podlaszewska, Prywatne biblioteki..., p. 51.
9 Stanisław Grodzicki, Societatis lesv. Concio De Probandis Spiritibvs, Cracoviae 1607,
ref. SD.XVI. 13.
10 Martin Luther, Kurtze und gründliche Erklerung..., Bremen 1592, ref. SD.XVI.224.
11 E.g. Philip Melanchthon, Liber de anima, Vitebergae 1558, ref. SD.XVI.919.
12 E.g. John Calvin, In vigintiprima Ezechielisprophetae capita praelectiones, Genevae 1565,
ref. SD.XVI. 1122.
13 E.g. Johann Oecolampadius, In Epistolam ad Hebraeos, loannis Oecolampadii, explana-
tions, Argentorati 1534, ref. SD.XVI.1218.
14 E.g. Emmanuel Sa, Notationes in totam scripturam sacram: Quibus omnia fera loca dif-
ficilia, breuissione explic antur, Antverpaie 1598, ref. vol. 1: SD.XVI.2217.1, vol. 2: SD.XVI.2217.2.
15 Sekulski, Biblioteka Gimnazjum..., p. 98.
16 E.g. Ambrosius, Omnia opera, Basileae 1527, ref. SD.XVI. 2317. 1-3.
17 Bernardo Castiglione, Le courtisan de messire Baltazar de Castillon novvellement revev
et corrige, Lyon 1588, ref. SD.XVI. 1656.
18 Giovanni Pontano, Opera: Urania, siue de Stellis libri quincßue], Venetiis 1505,
ref. SD XVI. 1653.
