Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Instytut Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Hrsg.]; Zakład Historii Sztuki <Danzig> [Hrsg.]
Porta Aurea: Rocznik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego — 21.2022

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Artykuły / Artikel / Articles
DOI Artikel:
Girsztowt, Aleksandra: The book collection of the Loitz family in the Elbląg library: Current State of research, overview of the collection, and a supplement to the list of prints
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Wzywanie ich do pokuty y wia
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Przy nim Kazanie o przenachwalcbniey-
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The Book

Fig. 2. Piotr Skarga, Zawstydzenie Arianow, y wzywanie do pokuty y wiary chrześciańskiey,
library of Simon Loitz in the Elbląg Library, photo: Elbląg Library

Beschreibung des Landes in Preussen: Item: Der alten heidenischen undeutschen
Preussen sampt irer Religion, Göttern Bäpsten und Pfaffen... by Caspar Hennen-
berger, published in Königsberg in 1584, which is currently owned by the Univer-
sity Library in Toruń. Their strong connection with Gdańsk is also reflected: they
owned a large collection of ephemera, such as threnodies about the plague of 1561,
wedding poems, and elegies.19 Few works on ancient history from the collection
have been preserved (although among the family’s holdings were the works of
Josephus Flavius). The 1624 inventory also includes an impressive list of historical
works; among the more interesting works it mentions which have not survived
were Jan Herburf s Polish Chronicle and the Chronica Sclavorum by Helmold.20
The Loitzes also paid attention to the study of classical languages, which
was de rigueur for socializing in educated circles at that time. This is evidenced
by the surviving editions of Latin and Greek textbooks, which focus particu-
larly on grammar, syntax and rhetoric. Another interesting item is the Hebrew
grammar textbook.21
Books on the exact and natural sciences likewise played a significant role
in the collection. These were dominated by astronomical and astrological
works, which were also considered scientific at that time. Among these are
19 Podlaszewska, Prywatne biblioteki..., p. 50.
20 Inventory, pp. 507, 509.
21 Johann Habermann, Grammatices Ebraicae Sanctae Lingvae, Vitebergae 1570,
ref. SD.XVI. 1889.
