Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 9.1845

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Abdication of Don Carlos (The) 24

Accidents & Offences of Historians, 135

Advertisement Extraordinary, 198

Advice Gratis, 248

Advice to Aspiring Artists, 103

Advice to Creditors, 17"

Age of Air (The), 93

Agricultural Mind, 97

Agricultural Medicine, 198

Alarming disease in Railway Stock, 240

Amateur Criminals, 155

Amende Honorable, 62

Anatomy of the Barrister's tongue, 238

Andover War-Song (The), 143

Andover Small-Song (The), 220

Anecdote, by Colonel Sibthorpe, 72

Anecdotes of Actors. 74

Another Farmer's Friend, 98

Another New Spec, 146

Anti-Railway Meeting of Foxhunters, 188

Apollo "Punch" to the "Standard," 250

"" Appeal to Rome," 15

Applepip Kelly, 51

Approaching Dissolution, 187

Appropriate Decorations, 127

Appropriate Present, 121

Apropos of a Missing Picture, 26

Archaeological Association, 143

Argument of the Pistol (The), 1

Army (The), 237

Arrival of King Dan, 12

Art-Union Epistles (The), 50

Ascot Cup Day (The), 3

Assault on the Duke of Wellington, 54

Association of Ideas, 217

Autocratof Prussia (The), 62

Awkward Squadron, 123

Bacchometbr (Thel, 145

Bailable Offences, 105

•Bar Touting, 104

Barcaroles for Briefless Barristers, 221
Bargain (A), 117
Barry's Portraits, 186
Battle of the Battledores, 240
Battle of the Streets, 64
Beulah Spa, 137
Birth Extraordinary, 177
'Birthday Present (A), 225
Bishops' House Warming, 238
Black Businsss (A), 185
'Blackfriars Peerage Case, 116
Blessed Privileges of Parliament, 167
Blockade of the Streets, 115
Bobadils of the Press, 11
Bow Fair, I16
Brighton, 158
Brighton Breakwater, 97
Brighton Night Entertainment (A), 168
British Honour, 26
British Lion Bankrupt (The), 193
Broad Hints, 62

Brougham and the Houses of Parliament,

Brougham's Handbook for Boxing, 9
Brutus, the Barrister, 121
•Burning Africa, 128
Business and Pleasure, 134
Calamities of a Door-plate, 156;
Call for Sale, 195

Cambridge on the Divine Right of Kings,

Capabilities of the Electric Telegraph, 21

Capel Court, 225

Case of Real Distress, 221

Cat at Windsor, (The), 52

Chance for the Tunnel, 216

Change for the Better 1J 5

Cheap Touts, 93

Chelsea Pensioners, (The), 243
Children's Songfor the Coburg Gregcrius'

Fest, 126
Christmas Pantomimes, 258
Circuit of the 'Busses, 167
City Antiquities, 56

City Grand Junction Turtle Company, 2

City Knight, (The), 226

City Revolution, I98

Clergymen on Railways, 188

Clerical Example, 176

Clerk, (The), 29

Closing of the Seal Office, 258

Clothes Market (The), 244

Cockney Experimental Squadron, 186

Colonel Maberley's Stud, 258

Colonies for Sale, 186

Comfort for the Queen, 208

Comfort to Travellers (A), 94

Comic Sculpture, 186

Commission of Lunacy, 238

Conjuressof Coss (The), 54

Conservative Laocoon, 50

Consolation, 182

Consolation for the Undecorated, 97
Consolatory Stanzas to the Poet Bunn.

Consulting Cook Wanted (A), 264
Contested Beadledom, 112
Corporation Navy, 164
Courtship and Matrimony, 32
Cromwell Statue Question (The), 186
Cruel Treatment of Her Majesty's Snips,

Cariosities of Newspaper Literature, 12

Curious Case of Trance, -264

Cymon and Iphigenia, 2^7

Daintv Dish (A), 135

Dangerous Passage, 162

Dan's Tribute, 218

Deadly Poisons, 237

Dear at a Gift, 186

Death in the Thames Navy, 222

Debts Unpaid, 209

Decidedly Cracked, 145

Decline of Bartholomew Fair, 133

Deep Groan (A), 216

Depositing the Plans, 253

Deposits with the Board of Trade, 260

Deserted City (The), 112

Despatch of Business, 199

Despotism in Russia, 217

Disease in the Potato, 145

Doe in the City (A), 191

Dog Days (The), 33

Domestic Drama (A), 217

Dose for the Quacks (A), 195

Drama (The), 138

Dramatic Relish (Al, 242

Dramatic Success, 209

Dreadful Accident in the Fog, 220

Dressing for Court, 222

Drop Scenes of London (The), 92

Drops of Comfort, 147

Duke and the Rat Catcher, 75

Duke of Norfolk's Cookery, 263

Duke of Wellington and the Cigars, 249

Duration of Vegetable Life, 157

Dusty Streets (The), 31

Dying One (The), 123

Eastern Passage (An), 218

Educational Advertisement, 41

Elastic Pavement, 192

Election News, 60

End of the World, 238

Engineering by Instinct, 247

England's Penitentiary. 225

England's Wooden Walls, 32

Epigram, 29

Epigram on the Mammoth Horse, 239
Epistolary Rocket (An), 122
Error 01 the Press, 93
Escape of the Aldermen, 165
Eureka, 20

Evading the Duty, 198

Exeter Hall Insolvent, 83

Exiled Londoner (The), 147

Experimental Squadron, 191

Factory Children, 2.6

Farce of the Poor Soldier, 66

Farewell to the Game Law*, 229

Fashionable Intelligence, 25, 230

Fashions for 1845, 66
! Fashions for the Fleet, 187
' Fashions in Paris, 102

Few New Words for Circulation (A), 21

Fire Insurance, 263

First Man of the Day (The), 226

Five Minutes in Westminster Abbey, 201

Flag of France (The), 71

Fleet Street Perilous Pass, 205

Fleet Street Races, 3

Fleet Street Redivivus, 221

Force of Habit, 147

Forlorn Hope (A), 170

Forthcoming Railways, 113

Frenchman's Fate (A), 43

General Medical Illumination, 41

Georges (The), 159

Getting the Herald into a Line, 252

Glorious News! 240

Going Backwards, 86

Gomersal Museum, 41

Good Day's Sport (A), 128

Good Harvest (A), 254

Good News for our Colonel, 226

Good Prospect for the Theatres, 139

Gotha Huntsman's Chorus, 117

Gouty Admiral, 144

Gratuitous Cathedral, 165

Great Desert of London, 101

Great Game Preserver (The), 206

Great Meeting of Cats, 3

Gretna Green Atmospheric Railway
Company (The), 234

Happy Thought (A), 209

Hack Brougham for Sale, 82

Hearts, Hands, and Shillings, 69

Heartless Treatment of Alderm. Moon,S3

Heavy Luggage, 146

Hero of a Hundred Razzias, 166

" He was locked up," I46

High Treason, 122

Hints to Emigrants, 136

Hints to Informers, 247

Holiday Advertisements, 73

Holiday Making, 133

Home for Jack Ketch, 175

House at the West End (A), 55

House of Brunswick (The), 197

Houseless Lords (The), 11

How about Cromwell's Statue, 108

How to use bad Potatoes, 210

Hunting Appointments, 240

Illibekality on both Sides, 112

Illustrated Circulars, 243

Immense Opportunity, 14

Importance of the Exterior, 156

Important, if True, 124

Improvements in Bribery, 257

Increase of Population, 234

Indian Mail at Boulogne (The) 192

Indian Railways, 230

Infernal Machine, 249

Insolvent Debtors' Court, 111

Interchange of Prisoners, 51

Interesting Relic at Rosenau, 113

Ireland, 176

Irish Imagery, 155

Irish Tell (The), 42

Iron Market (The), 219

Jaques in Capel Court, 197

Jeames's Diary, 207, 210,227, &c.. Sic.

Jeames of Buckley Square, 59

Jeames on Times Bargings, 195

John Bull's Locomotive Leg, 202

John Wesler and Prince Albert, 182

John Jones's Remonstrance abimt tha

Buckingham Business, 261
Jolly Young Barrister (The), 113
Justice, 150
Kindred Spirits, 35
King Death, a Parallel, 114
King " Jeames,"237
Knife and Fork Jury (The), 44
Knight of the Magic Loom, \Hg
Lamentable Destitution, 258
Lament of the Statues, 185
Landlords' Bazaar, 51
Last Farce at Drury Lane (The), 187
Last Political Step, 25
Law and Theatricals, 23
Lawyers' Labels, 158
Leader and Leander, 260
Leader by Mrs. Harris (A), 254
Leader on the Railway Mania (A), 196
Legal Sporting Intelligence, 114
Letter from "Jeames" (A), 76
Letter from the Shades, 196
Liberal Offer. 252

Lickspittleoff, of the Morning Fast, 123
Lies of Glory, 181,
Light and Magnetism, 258
Lincoln's Inn Flower-Show (The), 111
Literary Discovery, 239
Literary Intelligence, 25 8
Literally True, 56
Long Duration of Sleep, 31
Lost or Strayed, 175
Love on the Ocean, 135
Lowly Bard to His Lady Love (The), 58
Lucky Speculation (A), 59.
Lumping Penn'orth, 86
Maid and the Spider, 84
Making the Most of It, 176
Mammoth Horse, 234
Man at the Helm (The), 261
Man in the Moon, 222
Manchester Geologists, 250
Manslaughter and Steam, 104
Marriage in High Life, 62
Maternal Solicitude, 222
Matrimonial Districts (The), 205
Maxims and Opinions of Lord London-
derry, 145

Medical Lecture on Railway Masia, 23ft
Medical Question, 240
Meditations on Solitude, 123
Meditations over Brighton, 187
Member's Dream (The), 44
Merited Compliment, 230
Merry Christmas (A), 252
Mike G bbs and Billy Gibbs, 32
Military Intelligence, 40
Military Movements, 36
Ministerial Crisis (The), 262
Ministers and the Railroads, 339
Miss Mahony and Father Luke, 237
Modern Hieroglyphics, 192
Modern Hymen (A), 45
Monarch of All they Survey (The), 216
Monody on the Death of an Only Client,

Monomaniac, 26a



Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






um 1845
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1840 - 1850






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Toby <the Dog, Fiktive Gestalt>
Menschenmenge <Motiv>
Punch (Zeitschrift, London)


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 9.1845, Index, S. 267