Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Punch — 13.1847

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Christmas in the Church, 24~
Christmas Bills, 253
Christmas Wails, 253
Church at Boulogne (The), 194
Church in Danger (The}, 23, 57
City Economy, 199

City Gentleman to h;s Infant Son, igo

City Records, l6t | Ensuing Election, 13

City Turnpikeman (The), 208
Civil War in the Suburbs, 217
Classico-Mania (The), 92

Abandoned Country (An), r.9
Absurd Question, 74
Advice to Female Felons, 124
Ah! Why not? 164
Air-Cannon Extraordinary, 199
Allowance to Overseers, 151
Altered Man of Tamworth, 44
American Liberty, 154
Anarchy at home, 102
Animal Comforts, 240
Animal Sagacity, 101

Another Failure, 163, 180 j Clever little Dramatic Anecdote (A), 74

Another Pardon for Innocence, 237 j Close of the London Dinner Season, 34

Annuals (The), 227 I Cochrane Colours, 47

Annus Mirabilis, 10
Answers to Electors, 39
Apology (An), 199
Appeal of the Arch, 173
Arms of Lola Montes, 117
Army Intelligence, 230
Art Buoys, 169
Art Manufactures, 102
Art-Union Prints (The), 112
Astronomical Intelligence, 177
Asylums for decayed M jnarchs, 63
Atrocious 1 18

AudaciousPoachingon Legal Preserves, 93
Awful Look-out (An), 149
Awkward Possibility (An), 213
Sank of Elegance, 162
Bank Parlour (The), 207
Bar at Hicks's Hall (Tne), 132
Barbazure, 2, 12, 19,23
Baronial Balls, 172
Battle of the Shopyard (The), 124
Beadledom—its Use and Abuse, 2 0
Beauties of Periodical Liteiature, 73

Effects of the Pressure, 144 [ Hints for the Etching C up, 177

Election Lyric (An), 63 Historical Parallel, 42

Electioneering Cauldron iThe), 4 j Hollo, Governor, 83

Emancipation of the Omnibus Horse. 200 ! Homceipathy for Unions, 169
Knd of the Summer Season (The), 133
England's Weak Points, 227
Enlarged and (not) Beaut fled, 140

Entertaining One (The), 174
Episcopal Sum (An), 40
Ether and Humming Bees, Co
Exeter Change Arct\de Beadle. 110
Expenses of a gratuitous Visit to Blen-
heim, 17
Expensive Taste (An), 101
Extraordinary Bequest 74
Farmer's Preserve (A), 23
Fashionable Tie (A), 208
Fast Man oi the Aristocracy (The), 1"8
Fast Man's Opinion on Shakspeare, 04
Fast Man's Phrase Book, 213
Fees for the Old Bailey, 17"
Fellow Feeling, 32
Fine Writing, I87
Finsbury Letters, 42
Fleet Street during the Elections, 20
Flights of Astronomers, 1"0
Floating of the Great Britain, 93
Foreign Intelligence, 74
Fortuaes in the Times Newspaper, 183
Fragile, 39

Fragment from our Journal (A), 1
French Liberty of the Press, 123

Cold Com'crt for Cred tors, 91
College for Governesses, 131
College of Dancing, 142
Colonial Annuals, 180
Coming Events, "0
Commercial Intelligence, 19
Compuative Anatomy of Royal Speeches,

Competition, "4
Concrete Superseded, 227
Conscience of the Crown, 3
Consecrated Colours, 23
Continental Communication, 41
Conversation for Children, 12
Corruption in France, 11
Costumes for the Commons, 228
Costumes of the Royal Children, 70
Coward's Weapon (The), 189
Cracked Voices, 68

Crinoline, 82 j Friends Reconciled, 131

Critical Sympathy, 110 I General Burst of Feeling, 48

Crocodiles in France, 130 | General Election, 41

Crochet Samplers for Members, 232
Benefit of Clergy, 219 I Cry from the Condemned Cell (A), 158

Benevolent Institution for Destitute ! Curious Jokes, 224

Curiosity Collecting Mania, 10
Curiosities of Advertising, 119
Curiosities of Costume, 191
Currency Question (The), 239
Cutting out America, 70
Daring Violation of Vested Rights, if
Deafness in the City, 122
Death of Melodrama, 111
Death of the Duel (The), 72
Debate of the Commons, 197
Debtors in Parliament, 112
Defences of the Country, 250
Deformity-Mania (The), 90
Designs for Art Manufactures, 227
Detective Daguerreotype (The), 189
Diplomatic Intelligence, 70
Disappointed Dukes, 99
Dissolution of the House, 44
Distinctions of the Press, 123
Doings of Sir Robert Peel, 234
Domestic Dialogue, 141
Domestic Economy, 3
Double Site, 199
Double-tongued O'Connell, 231
Down with the Tolls, 197
Dramatic Authors' Militia, 213
Dreadful Explosion, 29
Dreadful Scarcity of Kings, 78
Dual Vocalist (The). 20 4
Ducal Showman, 129
Dukedom of Nassau, 1(19

Jokers, 157
Best Book at Cambridge (The), 13
Bill, the whole Bill, and nothing but the

Bill (The), 179
Bishop must be Blameless (A), 243
Blackheath Eclipse, 159
Blessings of Chloroform, 232
Bondholder's Strike (The', 30
Book that goes a Begging ( The), 230
Boots and Briefs, 210
Branding Deserters, 37
Bread vtrtus Bullets, 32
Brief Report (A), 92
Brighton in I847, 153, I67
British Lion under Difficulties, 30
Bullock, Pig, and Wether, 58
Bumper at Parting, 78
Bunn's Prose, 124
Business and Beauty, 228
'Busses going for nothing. 77
Calculation in the County Courts, 109
Cambridge Flower Show, 11
Capsicum House—for Young Ladies, 17
Caution to Tradesmen, 150
Chancery out of Town, 119
Change for the Better, 171
Charter (The), 57
Cheap Fares, 112
Cheap Painting, 71
Cheap Volcanoes, 60
Cheering News for Families, 120
Children's Fashions, 28
Chinese Drama (The), 229
Christmas Festivities, 234

General Jack Ketch, 214
Gentlemen's Dog carts, 162
Genuine Rochefoucauld, 110
Geology in the Strand, 6t
George Cruikshank's " Bottle," 92
Going into the Same Business, 71
Golden Age (The), 177
Good Excuse, 47
Good News for Newspapers, 87
Good News for Old Maids, 90
" Good Old Times " (The; , 20
Good Sign, 170
Good Suggestion, 74
Great Eclipse, 150
Great Engine Match, 20
GreatMeetingof Rail way Shareholders, 148
Great Western Grammar, 157
Great Effects from Little Causes, 12
Greatest Architect of his Fortune (The), 52
Green Unknown (The), 61
Grimaldi's Mantle, 209
Groans of the Oldest Inhabitant, 169,171
Half-an-Hour in the Isle of Thanet, 81
Happy Coincidence, 100
Hard Bargain, 50
Health and Temperance, 83
Health of Towns, 33
Heaven-born Smugglers, 123
Heavy on the Heavies, 208
Her Majesty's Letters, 113
Her Majesty's Marine Excursion, 73
Her Majesty's Tour, 89
Heroism of an Irish Landlord, 222
Hicks's Hall, 159

Duke of Wellington's Relations (The), 60 j Hints for calling a Spade a Spade, 89
Dying 011 the Floor of the House, 220 j Hiats for the Caxton Monument, 11
Effect of the Panic, 132 Hints for Maisons de Deuil, 108

Horrible Attempt, 230
House of Shakspeare, 52
How to be Hospitable, 19
How to get an Invitation, 78
How to get up an Opposition, 99
How to keep a Boarding House at Bou

logne, 110
How to learn English in six Theatres, 3
How to pay for Shakspeare's House, 161
Hunting Extraordinary, 51
Hunted Stag (The), I87
Impudence of Loyalty, 151
Ingenious Invention, 217
Intentions of a Member of Parliament,77
Irish Entomology, 29
Italy and Austria, 140
Jbnny Lind's Genealogy, 120
Jewish Abilities, 247
Judgment of John Bull yThe), 14
Jullien's Band, 192
Jullien's Scenes in the Circle, 183
Juvenile Advertisers, 1?9
Labours of Jullien. 199
Lady and the Lijn, 203
Lament of Erin (The), 213
Lament of Islington Green, 129
Land of Promise, 164
Landlord Right and Tenant Wrong, 119
Last Answers to Electors, 43
Last Appeal (The), 43, 200
Last Compliment to Jenny Lind, 143
Last Will and Testament of 1847(The), 253
Latest from Mexico, 179
Laureate's Installation Ode (The), 9
Leeches and Lawyers, 60
Legal Harvest, 63
Legislative Racing Intelligence, 31
Les Rois S'amusent, 181
Letter from Broadstairs (A), 132
Liberties of Lucca (The), 12
Lines on the Threatened Death of John

O'Connell, 247
Literary Fame, 121
Literary Hash, 74
Literary Smashii g, 194
Literary Superannuat on, I89
Lively Regatta (A), 68
London from the Monument, 97
London Graveyards, 128
Lodging House Statistics, 29
London Weather (The), 199
Lord John Manners' Minority, 48
Lords out of Work (The), 243
Lotus-Eaters of Downing Street, 161
Louis-Philippe and thePshaw of Persia,133
Louis-Philippe at La Trappe, 163
Loves of the New Police, 202, 244, 252
Mad doo, 60
Magnetic Mud, 84
Making a Clean Breast of it, 18
Making much of Jenny Lind, 103
Mammoth Sale, 151, 183
Manchester Post Office, 97
Marriage Festivities, 102
Marriage of the Merals, 19
Martyr of Science, 128
Marvellous Achievement, 58
Marylebone Small Talk, 31
Match against Time, S8

Vol. 13.





Weitere Titel/Paralleltitel



Aufbewahrungsort/Standort (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Inv. Nr./Signatur
H 634-3 Folio






Künstler/Urheber/Hersteller (GND)
Doyle, Richard
um 1847
Entstehungsdatum (normiert)
1842 - 1852
Entstehungsort (GND)






Sammlung Eingang




Thema/Bildinhalt (GND)
Satirische Zeitschrift
Kälte <Motiv>
Schnee <Motiv>
Punch <Fiktive Gestalt>
Toby <the Dog, Fiktive Gestalt>


Rechte am Objekt


Künstler/Urheber (GND)
Universitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
Digitales Bild
Public Domain Mark 1.0
Punch, 13.1847, Index, S. 257